1st Visit – Paperback at the Exchange

The City of Glendale loves a shopping block that hides.  There are two on successive blocks on the main drag, Brand Boulevard. The Exchange is the older and the city has been trying to revitalize for a long time. The dark side of the building is partially pedestrian only and except for a stalwart coffee shop has had a flux of shops.

But now Paperback Brewing has arrived alongside a British Tea Shop and a live comedy venue.  Maybe? a corner has been turned.

The question is how to get people to the space because the space is cool.  Nothing extraordinary, just a typical retail rectangle but it has been decorated artfully well and there is plenty of seating.  It is a cool spot with a summarized selection of their overall portfolio that I encourage people to visit.  

Get a King Taco or In n Out and have a beer a food on a weeknight for date night.