Reverse barrel aging


Triple distilled and once stouted.  It is past time for the tide to turn and have whiskey see what their spirit tastes like when introduced to the stout barrel of craft beer.  (In this case from Franciscan Wells in Cork).  The barrels went from Jameson to Franciscan and then back and thus was born Caskmates.

Now I am more of a lighter whiskey, less smokey type of person but even I would snag a bottle of this if I saw it.


The Logsdon Shuffle

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Looks like another sale is rockin’ the beer world.  Logsdon and their crazy good farmhouse ales like Peche N Brett has agreed to sell a significant stake in his brewery to three new partners.

I first saw this over at the New School Beer Blog which has all the details and spoke with the players in the drama which will include the departure of brewer Charles Porter who was a founding partner and brewmaster of the company.

My usual response holds true here.  It is time to re-judge the beer now, in a few months and in a year to chart the progress.  That is where the proof of whether a sale has done good or harm can be found.  Not in petty quick judgements.

If it comes as consolation, the namesake Logsdon will be doing quality control and there is no lack of brewing candidates out there who can take over the kettles and maybe push the beer into new and unforeseen directions.

Plus, as I read on The Full Pint, they were approached by ABInBev and found it to be non-workable.  So the hysteria could have been worse.

New (Old) Milwaukee

They lost me at “innovation”. Pabst Brewing Company thinks they get craft cred by re-establishing a brewery where it used to be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Now that the site has been revitalized with office buildings, apartments and a hotel, they feel they can put in a small brewery and tasting room capable of producing around 2,000 barrels a year.

Now I do like that Pabst may re-introduce pre-prohibition brands like Old Tankard Ale and Andecker, plus the emphasis on “inspired by recipes from the Pabst archives,” is admirable. But I am having a hard time reconciling that idea with what they currently do which is PBR, Schlitz and Old Milwaukee. None of which are lighting up the world with “innovation”. Add in that these are the same folks who just bought into “Not Your Father’s Root Beer” and things get sketchier still.

Maybe I will be proven wrong but count me in the pessimistic camp on this new brewery.

Business Tutorial – Lagunitas

Tony  Magee from Lagunitas Brewing is pretty darn outspoken.  Be it in book form (So You Want to Start a Brewery?) or in Twitter form.

Now he has a place inbetween those vastly different letter counts with a LagunitasT Tumblr site.

With the heady title of Fermenting Ideas of Order, you get a peek into the thoughts of the Petaluma, Chicago and future Azusa locations of Lagunitas.

Will you agree with everything?  I don’t.  I found the whole IPA design trademark a bit off-putting but all I have to do is read the first sentence of the first blog post to see that I will probably agree with him more than not.

“The Future will not be like the past.”

Keep that zen koan in mind as craft beer grows.  And book mark that Tumblr site too.


Business Tutorial – Allagash

Allagash Brewing Co. and on the occasion of turning 20 years young, founder Rob Tod gave the Bangor Daily News “20 lessons he has learned in 20 years of business.”

Here are the (7) take-aways that I think are most important for the many L.A. start-ups that are soon to open:

When you see trash, pick it up. “If everyone’s doing it, it makes a big difference. We have 93 employees who pick up little pieces of trash when they walk by them — literally and figuratively. If something’s not right, they take the initiative to do something about it. It’s just as important to do it when no one’s looking, when you are not going to get any credit for it. It’s a reflection of how much everyone at Allagash cares about what they are doing.”

Be relentless about improving. “Even though we’re constantly making strides with quality at the brewery, we’re never satisfied. Once we make an improvement, we get back to work and look for the next. There is always opportunity for improvement.”

Value the community you live in. “Maine has been extremely supportive of Allagash Brewing over the last 20 years. We have never taken this for granted. We love Maine, and we love Portland. Our crew’s hard work making great beer has made our philanthropy program possible. We focus our philanthropy locally, and everyone at Allagash is very proud of that.”

Don’t be a mile wide and an inch deep. “Jerry Sheehan, who runs a number of our distributors, told me this. And we learned it the hard way. By 2005 we were selling about 5,000 barrels of beer in 30 states and frankly not doing a great job anywhere. Around then, we made the tough decision to walk away from a fair amount of this volume and pull back — eliminating territories where we did not think we could be competitive and relevant. Now we’re selling 80,000 barrels of beer in 17 states, and I’m much prouder of the job we’re doing today in all of our markets. Better to do a great job in a small pond than a not-so-great job in a big pond. I think every business has concepts like this that are so simple they easily are overlooked.”

Smile. “Earlier today I walked by our kegging line and saw one of the operators who always has a smile on her face. When she is around other people on the line, guess what they are also usually doing? Smiling. It’s contagious.”

Do your thing. “When I made our first beer, Allagash White, not too many people wanted it. It was different — cloudy, spicy, distinctively Belgian. For a very long time it was usually the slowest draft line at the bars that were kind enough to keep us on draft. But I thought it was important to be doing something that was different. What’s the point in spending years building a brewery and possibly a lifetime running it just to make something people can already get? We avoid latching onto industry trends. We try to keep doing our own thing at Allagash.”

Stick with it. “If you are doing something different, sometimes it takes a while to get traction. It took about 10 years for the Allagash White to start catching on, but I’m glad we stuck with it and didn’t switch gears.”

FW + DM = New & Improved Paso

After I put this week’s L.A. Beer Blast to bed, I started rifling through my e-mail and came upon one from Firestone Walker.

I reflexively smiled thinking about some barrel-aged beer or new sour surprise from Barrelworks. But when I clicked the link, this is what I saw:
My first thought was “Oh no, I now have to see a bunch of ill-informed beer snobs posting about how they won’t drink FW beer because they aren’t independent anymore.”

Then I calmed down and realized that this might just be the straw that breaks the beer snobs anti-consolidation back. How can they use their copy/paste rant here? The near universal love of Firestone and the stewardship of Duvel with Boulevard and Ommegang will pretty much lay to rest any qualms that the auto-haters have.

I will post more about this next week over on Food GPS as I process the news with some pithy answers from the David Walker himself to my hasty questions that I e-mailed last night.

Leaks and Butter

QC. Quality Control.  It is super important.  And devilishly hard to harness, especially when working with bugs and critters. Even for large outfits like Hangar 24 and for places that have encountered taste issues before, like The Bruery.

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Both of which encountered issues recently which highlight the other side of QC.  Informing the public of QC issues and offering concrete solutions.

Hangar 24 had some bottles of their Sanguinello sprout leaks through wax due to a balky piece of equipment. The Bruery had to track down why some bottles of Hottenroth with peaches were more diacetyl heavy.

Both breweries explained the situation in clear language and took steps to ameliorate the problem. Either by tossing the bottling equipment or storing the beer at different temperatures.

The next step is to add that problem to what I call the “watch list”. This is a simple list of problems that have occurred.  But it does not end there. It is incumbent on breweries to also look at that list and make a second list of what could occur.

The other piece to the puzzle is to have plans, in place, to make your customers and fans happy-ish if something does goes haywire. Which it will because, you know, life happens.

Miller/Coors Shake-up

I don’t know how much power a temporary CEO has, never risen even close to that high in an organization, but apparently Gavin Hattersley of MillerCoors has enough to discard some senior execs upon taking office.

I don’t usually follow the comings and goings of corporate beer. Though I should since beloved brands are headed deeper into that territory. imageBut I found the “who” fired seemed quite relevant.

Chief Marketing Officer and President of Sales and Distributor Operations gone and replaced.

Two occupations most affected by the rise of craft beer.  Granted, that is a bold statement to make but hear me out. The industrial water lager behemoths don’t care what the flavor of the beer is as long as is tastes within parameters so the only people who catch blame are those advertising it and selling it. If the latter doesn’t happen, then the formers amps up the desperation knowing that their jobs are now on the line because one layer of insulation has been removed.

If both get the proverbial axe to the point where a caretaker can can you then sales have dropped far too far. And where did those sales go?  I can answer that with a question: Who has grown for the past umpteen years?  Craft Beer.  Ergo.  Quid pro Quo.  Me drinking craft beer made MillerCoors change course.

Not just me. You too of course.



BeMyDD (Be My Designated Driver), if you don’t like the attitude of the Uber founder and find Lyft wanting, or if you just like to have as many options for getting to craft beer events around Los Angeles then here is that 3rd choice.

The new website has updated their look to make navigation easier. “The service costs US$14-$19.50 an hour, depending on location..” or you can use the Pickup Service (US$25 pickup fee + $3.45 per mile). “Two drivers arrive, one to take the customer home in their car and one to follow behind to retrieve the BeMyDD driver.”

To celebrate the website’s launch, BeMyDD will be offering a US$20 discount for first time customers who sign up at and use the promo code: LAUNCH.

Bud at it Again

So Budweiser would have us pair artisanal burgers with fancy buns and all sorts of toppings with their beer.

Here is the thing though.  People who enjoy a really good burger probably don’t want your Big Mac beer. Again, ABInBev, who are you advertising too?  Just show semi normal men with hot women and an outdoor grill. That is your diminishing market. 

You may have also seen that they have bought David Chang and his loathing of craft beer to judge a burger contest as well. But Chang lost cred with craft beer and is probably unknown to Bud fans so the only winner is whoever pockets the prize money and then drain pours the Budweiser. 

Maybe if a Don Draper were around, he could explain what is going on but from my perspective, Budweiser is losing its marketing touch.

Oh and the clinking bottles at the end was a little aggressive, or was that me worrying about broken glass?