Tenaya Creek Brewery has gone in a different direction than others in the industry. They started as a brewery and restaurant but once they grew they jettisoned the restaurant half to focus on beer and when you see the lovely brewhouse on their website you can see why.
Now on to what I would put in my taster tray if I found myself bellied up to the bar….
God of Thunder Baltic Porter
“The God of Thunder requires but one sacrifice before granting access to its dark and malty depths. All thou needs to do is sacrifice one bottle cap into the rubbish bin. As the lager pours, clouds of darkness fold into the glass void, awakening a light-body and crisp finish. Thank you for your sacrifice.”
Gold Medal Pilsner
“Tenaya Creek Pilsner (draft only) year round. Golden lager, perfectly balanced malt and hop characteristics. Won the Gold Medal at the 2002 Great American Beer Festival for “European-Style Pilsner””
and the cheekily named
Haulin Oats Oatmeal Stout
“Hauling oats is hard work.
Donkeys are motivated by carrots. Here at Tenaya Creek we are motivated by beer. Especially when it has the subtle aroma of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.
It is easy to forget about the long journey ahead when a dark ale with a golden tan head is in hand. So drop the reins, pry open the lid and enjoy the rounded, smooth pull. Take a breath and savor the notes of semi-sweet chocolate and hearty oats.”
(You can find some Tenaya Creek beers in LA if you look so try them out.)