Terminator Stout

In honor of the not bad / not quite good new Terminator movie, I present McMenamin’s Terminator Stout. If I had a glass of this during the movie, I would have been more kind to the plot and direction.
This is a really good example of a stout. I especially like it when it is on the nitro tap.

2 Replies to “Terminator Stout”

  1. Where can I get this? During stressful times this would satisfy my need to watch terminator and vicariously seek and destroy and wallow in stout beer.

  2. This is a McMenamin’s beer which means it doesn’t make it into California. But I shall bring you a bomber when I return from my trek north. I have to get Ruby ale for my sister-in-law as well so I can kill two birds with one stone.

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