Leftovers at Smog City

I sing the praises of going to breweries and bars the day AFTER an event. Rarely do I resist the pull of the actual event though. But for once, I followed my own advice and I checked into Smog City Brewing on the Sunday after their anniversary party.


I parked right next to the roll up door and ordered up a taster tray with a side order of elbow room and was able to sample Zwickel Bo Pils, kumquat saison, 2014 Anniversary Saison and the 2015 beer, Steamfunk Brett IPA.

The only beer that I missed was Cuddlebug, the peach and apricot sour. Thankfully, the bottle release is coming so I have a second bite at that Apple.

Zwickel Bo reminded me how much the I love a good clean lager.  I could get a whole taster tray of their pils variants and count myself a happy man.  The kumquat saison was also super tasty. The fruit was bright and slightly acidic on the tongue.


On to the anniversary comparison, I sipped the milky cloudy SteamFunk first and was not disappointed. It had a near creamsicle taste that mixed tangerine and brett together. Good enough to buy a bottle on the way out. The 2014 Saison held up too. It was the strongest of the group in flavor and ABV.

King Harbor – 1

Sean Inman |
Cast & Crew Entertainment Services, LLC
2300 Empire Avenue, 5th Floor | Burbank, CA 91504 | castandcrew.com
Main: 818 848 6022 | Direct: 818 525 3320 | Sean.Inman@castandcrew.com

April 11 marks the one year anniversary celebration of King Harbor. And the plans are so big for the Saturday event that the party will spill outside of the brewery.
Here are the details:
• Commemorative Anniversary Mug (yes, we said Mug…we don’t do taster glasses)
• 8 -12oz pour tickets
• Access to all beer tents and cask beers procured by Cask Ale LA
• Dunk Tank with very special guests.
• A killer photo booth
• Live Music from local bands
• Last but certainly not least, all ticket holders will go home with a bottle of our special anniversary beer* – an Imperial Brown Ale with Graham Crackers which has been aging in Corsair Whiskey Barrels. *One Bottle Per Person.
Tickets are only $50.00 per person and are available for purchase online as well as at the brewery.


VIP Tickets to the Smog City Anniversary Party on May 9th slyly went on sale last week and may be gone by now. (check HERE to see)

But you will want to get any remaining ones that you can because it is a steal of a deal with “early and exclusive access, rare beers (including one very special collaboration we did), limited edition bottle tote, bottles of Steam Funk Brett IPA (2015 Anniversary Beer), and more!”

And if you miss the VIP, don’t fret, your beer choices are sure to be mind bottling.

Beachwood at 3 + many, many beers


All Beachwood All Day.

That could be a motto for pretty much any day of the week but once you gaze upon the massive list of beers there are celebrating with, you will see why this particular day is special.

Oh and they will be debuting a new beer….

“It wouldn’t be an anniversary party without an anniversary beer. On July 5th, Beachwood Brewing will release its newest bottled brew—Greenshift Double IPA—a gargantuan double India pale ale with a wide spectrum of hops. Citra, Amarillo, El Dorado, Nelson Sauvin, Galaxy, and Warrior varieties in the kettle create a planetary array of flavors and an infinite wavelength of aromas from the supernova-sized charged hops. Greenshift will be available in bottles and on draft at Beachwood BBQ & Brewing.”

What About The Beer List:

Beachwood Brewing Tap List

3rd Dimension – Belgian-Style Tripel

Alpha Supreme – American Pale Ale

Alpha Waves – Session IPA

Annihilator – American Barleywine

Beyond a Reasonable Stout – Imperial Oatmeal Stout

Breaker – Hoppy Pale Ale

Bulldog – Dry Irish Stout

Chainsaaz Massacre – Imperial Pilsner

Control Malt Delete – Dark Mild

Dubbel In Paradise – Belgian-Style Dubbel

El Verano – Belgian-Style Saison

Foam Top – Cream Ale

Glenlongbeach – Scottish-Style “80 Schilling”

Greenshift – Double IPA

Hop Jitsu – West Coast India Pale Ale

Hoppa Smurf – Belgian-Style IPA

Hops of Brixton – Extra Special Bitter

James – American Brown Ale

Knucklehead Red -American Red Ale

Kilgore – American Stout

Loma Prieta – German-Style Pilsner

Melrose – West Coast India Pale Ale

Mocha Machine – Imperial Chocolate Coffee Porter

Onyx – Imperial Stout

Rose Royce – Belgian-Style Saison

Ryeco Suave – Belgian-Style Saison

Still Life – Smoked Double Oat Stout

Table Saaz – Belgian-Style Bière de Table

Tart Simpson – German-Style Berliner Weisse

Udder Love – Milk Stout

Wholly Smoke – Smoked Porter

Zwick In a Box – German-Style Zwickelbier


Beachwood Brewing Special Casks

Beyond a Reasonable Stout with Cacao, Coconut, and Vanilla Bean on cask

Full Malted Jacket with Scotch Oak on cask – Scotch Ale

Melrose IPA with Amarillo and Simcoe on cask

Melrose IPA with Citra on cask

Melrose IPA with Mosaic on cask


Beachwood Brewing Rare Beers

8 Buffalo – Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout

Barrel-Aged Jean-Quan Van Damme – Belgian-Style Quadrupel

System of a Stout – Armenian Imperial Coffee Stout

Tovarish – Imperial Coffee Stout


Beachwood Brewing Collaborations

Ghost of Jacob Barley – Strong Ale Aged on Coffee w/ Spices: Noble Ale Works Collaboration

Mrs. Stoutfire – Imperial Stout Smoked and Oaked: The Bruery Collaboration

Spicy Chocolate Alliance – Imperial Porter with Chili and Chocolate: Drake’s Brewing Collaboration

Unapologetic – Double India Pale Ale: Stone Brewing & Heretic Brewing Collaboration



Smog City will be celebrating their first year in their Torrance brewery on May 17th.

And if the  thought of “delicious beer, crazy experimental beer and exceptionally balanced beer” sounds good then head down to their taproom.

They will also be releasing a special anniversary beer, a Strong Saison brewed with Merlot.

The festivities take place from 12-8pm.

Up from the Cellar – Mission Street Anniversary 2012


As mentioned with the 2011 review, this is a Firestone Walker beer and it is a blend of three different beers so it’s sort of a baby version and extremely baby version at that of the anniversary beers that they release each year. It is called an Imperial brown and  I don’t know how much longer Firestone will actually brew this particular brand but if you can get your hands on the 2014 it is out and you should get it.


The ’12 pours a hazy red brown color. Very thin head that dissipates quickly. The aroma is bourbon on ice. And the initial taste is almost bourbon and coke. Light bourbon mixed with a sweetness that is just a touch too much for me. And at the back end the brown ale taste lurks around and then fades off. It still has some good carbonation to it as well that starts the whole thing off.


The Verdict:  It certainly doesn’t taste bad but the residual sweetness gets a bit cloying the more you drink of it.  I don’t know if another year would do wonders or if a year earlier would have had other notes that have now dropped out but it seems off the mark so I have to rank this as a really minor failure considering that it is an under 10% beer and under $5 beer too.

Up from the Cellar – Mission Street Anniversary 2011


It is great to have a Trader Joe’s across the street from you especially when they have the Mission Street line of beers and some of their other private label brands that are very inexpensively priced for the quality of beer that you are getting.

This is a Firestone Walker beer and it is a blend of three different beers so it’s sort of a baby version and extremely baby version at that of the anniversary beers that they release each year. It is called an Imperial brown and  I don’t know how much longer Firestone will actually brew this particular brand but if you can get your hands on the 2014 it is out and you should get it.


2011 pours a black with reddish tint. The initial smell from this is big caramel notes with a little bit of oak and a touch little bit of bourbon to it but definitely a caramel sweetness has sort of taken over the whole beer at this point.

It is still zippy though even though it does have much more of a silky mouth feel to it. The alcohol definitely is also more prominent then you would expect from an 8.5% beer but that is more than likely why you shouldn’t of gone past the three years that it has been aging


The verdict probably a year maybe maybe year and a half tops but three is definitely a bit on the long side for holding onto this one.  I should’ve opened this much earlier.

A Slow Roll


“Slow roll: A demanding maneuver in which the pilot slowly rotates the longitudinal axis of the aircraft 360 degrees while maintaining level flight.”

I missed this beer at their recent anniversary bash (which drew in big crowds from what I hear) but I hope to get a taste of this new barrel aged offering from H24.  I want to see how a golden ale does in Bourbon barrels.

“This fruity, complex ale evolved over time to its present state – hence the name, Slow Roll. In November, we began it as a Belgian-style golden ale. We then racked the beer into bourbon barrels. Six months later, our anniversary beer is ready to perform. Admire the light copper color in your glass. Take in the aromas of pear, banana, and spice, with gentle oak and caramel notes. The first sip will reveal even more nuance, with soft caramel and bourbon in the background. It starts very effervescent, followed by a dry finish. We invite you to celebrate with us and enjoy Slow Roll, a limited edition bottling of our Fifth Anniversary ale.”

20 for Avery


I am an Avery fan with a bit of a caveat, their IPA’s leave me a little cold.  Maybe I expect too much but they just don’t have the zing of their saisons and especially their Rumpkin and barrel aged beers.  That being said, I will not be missing this anniversary IPA….

“This year marks our 20th time around the sun brewing craft beers we love to drink. Each May, we release a special recipe in honor of our anniversary, and this year we present to you Twenty XX India Pale Ale.

A beautiful dosing of Amarillo hops gives a citrus punch to this aromatic double IPA, while the Simcoe® hops provide intense dankness. What else would you expect from us, a bunch of severely hop obsessed brewers, to celebrate such a glorious occasion?”


Here is a peak at the pretty label for the latest anniversary beer from The Bruery.   “Bois” is French for “Wood.”  Each year the names of the anniversary ales correspond with traditional wedding anniversary gifts as translated in the French language.  Though I don’t recall getting anything wooden on my fifth.

These are big blended beers that utilize the Solera method where each beer is partially comprised of a blend of past anniversary beers.  So you will taste Fruet and Coton and Papier in Bois.