In the Tap Lines for August 2011

Here at BSP headquarters, we are working on these posts for August.

~ e-visits to three breweries in Nebraska
~ video reviews of beers from Pretty Things Ale Project
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my opinion on the craft beer world
~ daily reports from the Beer Bloggers Conference
~ … and Session # 54 will talk about sours
~ plus many more posts about new beers, beer products and breweries AND a Beer spelling Bee

Here are two events to get your August started in the Los Angeles craft beer world:
1) August 13th – Blue Palms 3rd Anniversary Party
2) August 20th – Stone 15th Anniversary Celebration

The Firkin for July 2011

I saw this in the Wall Street Journal at the beginning of July and all I could do was shake my head. Another giant international beer conglomerate focusing everywhere but on the product.

Granted that seems to be the only arrow in the “water lager” quiver. Blanket all forms of media with ads in the hope that you can drown out the siren call of craft beer.

But that call is still getting through. It has been mentioned on many a blog but the state of Oregon now drinks 15% + craft beer. That is not a niche, boutique industry number. That is a player.

And as important as educating the consumer about craft beer is, I believe it is more important to just get the word out that craft beer exists. Break through the cloud cover of constant Miller ads and Coors billboards and Budweiser sports sponsorships.

How do you do that? Get outside the craft beer community. Partner with local restaurants that don’t have taps or beer lists. Give to charities in the community that are not affiliated with the food and beer industry. Get your beer on tap or in bottles where new people can find it. Or brainstorm your own, out of the box ideas.

Just get the name of the brewery out there. That is all the advertising you need. Let Heineken spend their money on Facebook and Google.

Canfest 2011

Last year, I came close in my bid to win a trip to Reno and Canfest 2010. A celebration of craft brews in a can.

I have not given up! Somehow, I will find my way to Reno. I just know I can….

If I start here…..

…and then continue past the 1/2 way point….

…I could find myself at Canfest 2011!

How do I travel from Glendale to Reno? I could go by car or plane or in a few years high speed train but the best way is by the power of the craft beer community. Because the most fuel efficient and green energy source is the passion that drives brewers, beer drinkers and beer bloggers.

I also would not be able to do it without the folks behind this contest so thanks to Buckbean beer for their generosity in creating and running this fun contest!

2011 Challenge – California Growlers

For the first six months, I have been trodding along slowly with this challenge. On my schedule, I can only carve out a bit of time each month to devote to it.

So it was with great delight that another growler believer has stepped into the breach and has really done a tremendous job in invigorating the cause.

Benjamin Katz brings a San Diego perspective and some much needed expertise. He is creating a website that will be up soon to augment the Facebook presence and I can’t thank him enough for spearheading that.

Stay tuned for more details and keep blogging about and Facebook posting and twittering about how you would like a Brewed in California Growler.

Anaheim Brewing

Looks like Orange County has another brewery. Welcome to the Anaheim Brewery!

Headquartered in the Anaheim Historic District, the version 2.0 of the brewery takes over 90 years later! from the first Anaheim Brewing that was shuttered by prohibition.

They are serving up four beers in their tasting room. A gold, a red, a hefeweizen and the “Anaheim 1888 is based on a style of beer brewed at the original Anaheim Brewery and has a flavor that is popular with today’s beer drinker. Copper-colored, full-flavored and well-hopped, Anaheim 1888 is our flagship beer.”

And this review from the Anaheim Gazette all the way back in 1890 on the original version of what is today 1888 gave me a chuckle, it “appears to be fully equal if not superior to the celebrated Anheuser beer of St. Louis.”

Thanks to the Full Pint for first spotting this new brewery.

The Beer Buckle

Do you not have any furniture, no ledge, no floor to set your beer on? Well then how about a belt buckle?

Yet another creative way to keep your beer close is the Beer Buckle. A truly hands free beer holder. As seen in a photo from their website (because I do not have one and I don’t know anyone with one either)

I guess if it helps one person then it is OK, but I don’t see the need.

Beer Cards

Beer is becoming ingrained into many aspects of life. So it is no surprise to see it in the card realm too.

Beer Cards……

from the BeerCards website

….is a new way to have a card game while learning about beer styles and how competitive your beer buddies are.

Beer Labels – Tip of the Hat

Earlier this month I wagged my finger Colbert style at a label from Smuttynose. Now I want to Tip my hat to this well designed label from Tool.

I like the alliteration of snow and saison. The images force you to look at them twice. The logo is clear and visible. It all comes together. It has a Jones Soda look to it. Retro but modern.