Featured Review – GT Gose from Anderson Valley

We head to botanicals and lemon/lime for the second featured review of the month. GT Gose from Anderson Valley is a further extension of the Gose brand from the NorCal brewery.
The G&T inspired Gose pours a dark and clear yellow. Lemongrass and lime greet the nose pretty strongly. The flavor is 90% tart lemon. Almost bitingly so followed by grain notes and a barest touch of spice. I am not getting much juniper here though. It isn’t quite lemonade-y because of the botanicals that do show up briefly but I would like to get more to soften the citric assault. This beer sticks to the roof of the mouth and fades into a nice bread taste. I just wish the lemon was dropped a couple notches and the spice revved up a bit more.