So, no Livermore beers were seen at L.A. Beer Week. To be expected, a couple are still fermenting. But maybe in a few years time, we will see places like 8 Bridges Brewing down in L.A. for at least a tap take-over.
Because I would like to try out these two beers when they become available….
Bay Bridge Brown (BBB)
Our Brown Ale was designed to be better than Newcastle and from comments we’ve heard, we succeeded!!! While drinking this beer you’ll notice its flavors tend towards raisin, molasses, nutty and caramel along with the typical English hop flavors. This full bodied ale is malt forward with low hop aromas.
Ode to Groll Pilsner
Josef Groll, the “Father of Pils”, energized the beer world by making the first pilsner in 1842. Our intent in designing this Pilsner is to do the same by bringing more flavor like a good German Pilsner has but with a little bit of a California twist. Our Pilsner has the typical Pilsner taste but has a stronger flavor which is achieved by using multiple malts and increasing the hop presence. The aroma is Malt dominant but the addition of hops late in the process gives a broader hop flavor to the beer. This Pilsner is a crowd favorite where ever we go!
For now, though you will just have to follow their progress on Facebook or Twitter.