Looks like the San Fernando Valley is tired of having to drive either N-S-W for their local beer. We have another Kickstarter in process from Hand Brewed Beer. And before you think it is one of those bespoke type of monikers. One of the principals does have the last name of Hand.
I had the opportunity to talk to the Hand, as it were, with the rest of the L.A. Beer Blogger group on Sunday and I can’t urge you enough to kick in because their campaign is almost up and they are still needing some funding. And I think they are worthy. They have a Maltose Falcons pedigree and some solid backing and a consumer base that could use a local brewery or three.
A couple of their beers caught my eye and should get you to pony up some coin to help outfit their (in the future) tasting room in the Chatsworth area.
The Vanilla-Raspberry-Bourbon VRB was a smooth and creamy beer with a nice spirit kick in the back. Like a raspberry creamsicle with a splash of bourbon. I also enjoyed their Erudite Wit which was bright and clear and is one of the better Wit’s that I have had recently.
They have a nut brown ale, an IPA and a pale in the rotation as well. And if you are into spice, they have a serrano pepper infused IPA that I thought was too much on the pepper and not enough IPA.