To Fred!

Ink and keystrokes will be spilled to honor the one and only Fred Eckhardt who passed onto another beer-y realm yesterday.

Others who knew him well will be able to express profound thoughts on his legacy and life with better words than I but I can’t let this moment pass without saying what his beer life meant to me.

He was able to straddle worlds in a way that will probably always perplex me.  Some people just seem to be able to communicate with practically anyone.  At the Beer Bloggers Conference in Portland a few years back, he had the room of social media obsessed bloggers listening for once and not staring at screens.  I have read many of his pieces for magazines and found them to reflect what I was feeling about beer at the particular moment.  And it didn’t matter if I was 30, 35 or 40 at the time.  I wish I could be like that.

I honestly can’t imagine what is must have been like for someone who watched the craft beer revolution from basically start to finish while also being a major contributor to it.   I consider myself part of the 3rd wave.  I owe a debt to the people before me.  There were the pioneers like Fred. Without him.  Without Michael Jackson there wouldn’t be much afterwords.  I honestly do not think I would be blogging about beer without Fred in the chain of history.

Instead of waxing on,  how about everyone just raise a glass and listen to the beer.  And really do it this time.