The Firkin for May 2018

It is easy to be divisive. Buttons can be pushed with a simple push of a button. But it is time (past time) to stop or to at least ignore it. Or, you can go one step better. Show gratitude.

Sounds hippy, new age? Why is that? What is wrong with telling your beertender thanks? I am not religious in the least but would it be bad to say a little prayer of thanks before the first sip? It is quite the miracle that we have beer and even crazier that we have good beer after so long with just boring mass market water lagers.

Instead of letting your circle of same opinions know about the groups same opinion, how about breaking free and sitting at the taproom bar and listen to what other people are saying. Then go to another brewery and do the same. What I bet you hear won’t be hating on glitter beers or hating on a beer website or hating on whatever is an easy target.

What you will most likely hear are discussions, jokes, recounting the days gone by or the bad day at work. Talking beer shouldn’t be verboten but it can be done without starting a Twitter war. And I will bet that if you start every beer with a thanks to the brewer, making a snarky comment would seem out of place.

So let’s regain the appreciation and let the haters hate. Enjoy the beer you have in front of you and let the fun back in, there will always be time to discuss the inside game of beer.