This has been a shitty month. No sugarcoating it. But part of human nature is to make lemonade out of lemons and memes out of Michael Jordan crying, so it is no surprise that quarantine named beers have started popping up.
I get it and some are quite clever but part of me thinks that this may be a thing to stay away from or now. Granted, I have thought that a brewery should Barrel-age a beer they normally would have sold immediately and name it Newsom’s Private Reserve or Mayor Garcetti’s Non-Essential ale.
But neither would get the joke and would just fall back on their safe public safety arguments while we who are left feel the brunt of the economic fallout zone they pushed us into.
So, instead, I think it would be great for breweries in Los Angeles to collaborate on a beer or two to honor the breweries that did not make it through this crisis. Not something bitter or sour, but maybe a golden ale. The Sun is Out Again rings true to me.