The Firkin for December 2012

Now that we have almost finished 2012 without the Mayan Apocalypse destroying us all, it is time to mentally prepare for our 2013 beer year but first I want to lay down some ground rules to remember before popping the cap or tab on your first beer of the new year.

1. Be adventurous – The name of this very blog is part of my beer mission statement. Search out new beer! It doesn’t mean you don’t go back to old favorites from time to time but don’t just stagnate. For example, I am not a fan of Black or Cascadian IPA’s. But I will try some in 2013 nonetheless. Why? Because I may find my new favorite beer.

2. Be Constructive – If you don’t like a beer, don’t just slam it like some crazed Yelp reviewer. If it is to minerally for your taste then say that. If it is a host of reasons, then list them. At the very least, give an example of a beer you like in the style and why it is and this beer isn’t. At least express your opinion without being opinionated.

3. Make a beer trip – OK this is more for me than maybe others. But set out for a weekend beer excursion. From L.A., you could hit Temecula and their new breweries or head to the San Diego area and hit 400 or so breweries. Whichever direction the winds take you, do it.

Lastly, remember that beer is fun. Don’t get too uptight about it.

Happy New Year!