The Beer was Much Better than the Game

I was filled with a bit of dread that Super Bowl LIII would end with Robert TrumpKraft and Bill Bellicheat would win another title but I consoled myself that there would be plenty of scoring, some funny commercials and lots of good craft beer.

Well, 1 out of 3 ain’t bad.

During the Punt-Fest that doubled as a Super Bowl, there was an especially odd set of anti-corn syrup adds as SABInBev – Bud Light Division frontally assaulted both Miller and Coors before a strange and jarring Game of Thrones Tie-In ended the Renaissance Faire ad campaign.  I don’t know if Bud is trying to siphon off the healthy market that their Michelob Ultra is winning.  Yes, they seemed to be cannibalizing from SABInBev – Michelob Division much in the same way they threw peaches around a few years back.  I personally don’t know if they just don’t communicate at HQ or not.  Maybe they just wanted to throw shade.  They were better than the bizarro add with Andy Warhol slowly eating a Burger King burger.

On to the good beers though.  See the primarily can damage that was done below:

The lowest ranked beer was the Sanctum Unicobra.  Great name,  the design was fun but it was very thin up front and then a load of chiles descended upon the tongue.  The Awesome Hops from Beachwood was good but it was very punchy.  One hit of green coffee bean and then another of pepper skins.  The two winners were reliable beers.  Hopslam from Bell’s was fantastic as always.  Lovely honey note, a firm but not aggressive bitterness and an ABV that snuck up on you instead of whacking you around.  Delirium Tremens was the perfect starting beer.  Not aggressive but flavorful and fun to drink.

Even if the Patriots make Game 54, I will look forward to the beer at least.