First time Vegan-Fester, that’s me. I walked past a gaggle of soccer games near the Rose Bowl on Saturday afternoon towards a backdrop of the San Gabriel’s and the entrance to the Vegan Beer Festival 2015.
This is an impressive venue for a beer event. There is something about being at the 50 yard line of a stadium that most usually see just on a TV screen. As we all filed onto the field through the stands the layout was simple. Food and beer vendors (some trucks, some not) along the side with shaded beer booths down the middle.
There were two breweries that I specifically wanted to sample. The new Solarc as well as Wicks. Solarc was pouring their Gruit and a hatch pepper black IPA which was easy on the spice. The trio of flavors worked well for me. I chose the cream ale from Wicks which was fine. Not to the level of TAPS or Beachwood but certainly tasty.
Of course, I started the day easy with the Firestone Walker Easy Jack which still stands out in a festival crowd. But the other beers that caught my attention were the Ambler from Phantom Carriage. A very refreshing and almost entry level farmhouse ale. Pacific Plate’s Spring Ale was a delightful blend of ginger and other spices. Three Weavers had their Bogemian Bao Bao IPA which had a bright citrusy character to it. Lastly the newly bottled, I Love It from Noble Ale Works worked hop wonders too.