Downscale then Upscale

First Guinness came out with an American Lager (which I have yet to try) in what seemed an effort to sway people away from the ailing light lagers that are leaking market share.  It seemed a really calculated move and not an organic, “Hey, we have a great lager that we should sell.”

Now they are targeting the other end of the marketing spectrum with 1759…..


Only 90,000 bottles were produced which to some breweries would be a mega-run and it will be the first of their new Signature Series and that name means the price will be higher, much higher.  $34.99.  You are paying for the peated whiskey malt and the chance to drink beer out of a champagne flute which is the glassware that Guinness suggests.


Review – Aberrant from Bergschrund (Logsdon)


Love the label in this new series from Logsdon.Farmhouse and good to see another beer offering from the Logsdon folks.  Mostly because I haven’t had even close to a bad beer from these guys.  On to my quick review: Pours a pale straw yellow with a big foamy white head.  A light Belgian yeast note in the aroma that really hits upon the first sip.  I pick up vanilla and spice notes amidst the funk.  My sister in law detected some fruit notes that I didn’t notice but maybe some stone fruit lurks for those that are more supertaster than I am.  Really light tasting and not 8% abv at all.


I have seen this one at Vendome in Toluca Lake and at a few other beery locales and I highly recommend it.

And what am I reading while drinking this?  A book about wine!  Heresy, I know but I have learned a nice amount of information already from the Inventing Wine by Paul Lukacs.  And that is in just a the first few pages.