Originally released in 2010, I bought all four of the XXX anniversary beers from Sierra Nevada, And with Beer Camp having rumbled across America and into recent memory, now seemed a good time to open 1/2 of my bottles up. I had a hard time picking two but I thought this Bock (Imperial & Helles in one bottle) might be the first to fade so it was plucked first….
At 8.3% this would not seem a suitable candidate for aging and my initial review when I sampled it at a Library Alehouse Sierra Nevada dinner offers a second dissent to having squirreled it away. This is my review from June of 2010, the beer “pours a dark red/brown. It is all over the place to me. It is not heavy but it has an alcohol kick to it. Bock maltiness shows up then fades into a note of hops. Complex but not one of my favorites.”

In 2014, this beer pours a very hazy orange with tints of brown to it. There is still a bit of head to this beer with an island of foam floating on the surface as I sip it. The aroma is strong and a traditional bock / German notes. I get a bit of what some may characterize as caramel while others call it butterscotch. I also detect a little bit of sherry and a smidge of citrus as well.
This bock is pretty thin but still lively. The alcohol kick that is sensed over four years ago is but a lingering memory. There is a bit of sharpness left but only just hanging on. It is almost as if someone took a sherry or port and put it over ice and an hour later I am tasting a much lighter and diluted spirit.

The Verdict? – I like it better now. It has a certain dessert / by the fireplace feel to it without being a sugary, syrupy mess. It is sweet for sure much like a maple bar is sweet. Which is why I would pair this with donuts which may seem odd but I think the malt and sweetness of the beer would really echo the same in a donut.