Review – Old Schoolhouse Fresh Hop IPA

When faced with smartly buying craft beer, sometimes you don’t take a flyer on a brewery that you know little about.  Luckily, I had some mad money to spend and took the risk on a fresh hop IPA from Old Schoolhouse in Winthrop, Washington.


This IPA pours a brilliant bright orange that the photo does not do justice to.  Then there is a big aroma of fruit punch and grape with a little bit of spice in there as well.  Just delightful smelling.  One of those beers that you could twirl under your nose for minutes without drinking.  The taste packs a punch.  Lots of grape notes.  The bitterness lingers and is even a little dry at the back.  This is the first bottle from a recent Let’s Pour purchase and I don’t see how the others will compare.  Though I hope they do.


from the cellar – Bottleworks 13th Anniversary Ale


For 2014, I will be pulling up some bottles from my cellar and reviewing them.  Not to be pessimistic, but I don’t have lofty expectations.  Though my beers were light protected and kept at a consistent temp, beer can be fickle and some may have been better last month or next month.  That being said, I am really excited to dig into the beers and see what time has wrought.

First up is a Stone Brewing collaboration with the esteemed BottleWorks of Seattle Washington. But before that, the backstory on the beer from Stone, “Bottleworks, Seattle’s legendary craft beer store captained by Matt Bonney and Matt “Vern” Vandenberghe, celebrated their 13th Anniversary in March of 2012. Since bottle shop owners can’t make their own beer, “The Matts” commission a different brewery each year to help them create their anniversary brew. This time they wanted an especially big beer (they were aiming for 13% abv), so naturally they turned to us for help. Here you see the delicious fruits of our collective labor: a 13-grain, 13-hop imperial porter that packs a wallop.”


The beer pours with a big head of espresso that you could put a barista design into easily.  I catch a slight bourbon-esque whiff as I pop the cap. A little sweet raisin note and a bit of alcohol heat also rise up out of the glass.  Not totally what is expected but this beer sorta defies style though it is called a porter, it probably could just have easily been called a strong ale or barleywine due to the hefty malts and hops in it.

Now the taste is very complex.  He’Brew has done the whole double digit malt and hops thing and I have liked the idea better than the execution but this beer is quite enjoyable and different.  I get notes of tobacco, coffee, caramel and milk chocolate that start and finish a sip as the sharp raisin note takes over the middle.  Coffee notes at the end linger for a bit too.  The time wore away the hop aroma and bitterness.  Though that may be for the better.  Probably more akin to an English Barleywine with the fruit notes.  For all the big flavors, the consistency is a bit on the thin side.  And for it’s high ABV, it isn’t hot on the palate or cheek warming.


The final cellaring verdict:  This beer held up well but I think that if I had pulled this a bit sooner (maybe 5 months ago) some of the more jarring raisin notes would not have been there and this beer would have been even more balanced.  But overall this experiment in aging gets a thumbs up.



Video Review – Lomaland Saison from Modern Times

Modern Times gets the beer review spotlight for January 2014 and we start with their Lomaland Saison…..

Here is the brewery description of the beer, “Lomaland is an earthy, rustic Belgian-style farmhouse ale that’s both complex and quaffable. It smells like hay, pepper, and friendly sunshine. Its dry, cracker-like body and lightly-hoppy finish makes it a beautiful compliment to food. We named Lomaland after the brilliantly crazy utopian community that was the first settlement built in Point Loma, the San Diego neighborhood where our fermentorium is located.”

Review – Anomaly from Monkish Brewing

Monkish Brewing of Torrance has begun bottling some of their beers.  I have seen Feminist, Magnificat and Anomaly in the distinctive and beautiful packaging that I have come to expect from Henry.  So now it is time to re-review the Belgian Strong Ale that is Anomaly.


First up is my draught version review from June of 2012, Nice dark brown color. Aroma gives off some fruit notes. Taste is really mellow and smooth. A good melding of of chocolate and fruit. A nice strong ale without bells and whistles.

In the bottle, the taste remains pretty much the same.  I notice a little more Belgian yeast character and a touch less chocolate which brings the fruit notes forward a bit more.  All in all, a really nice weekend sipper of a beer.  Just a classy beer that doesn’t jump out at you but demands that you pay more attention to each sip.


Review – Red Harvest Stout from Guinness


From Dublin comes another in what some may call brand extension and others a seasonal from Guinness. And thanks to the widget in the red on black designed can, you get that classic Guinness pour in a slightly tweaked version of the dry Irish stout.  Big and very white with a hint of cream head on this one.  Aroma is less noticeable here.  Some malt notes but muted. The taste is initially very similar to the regular but then a slight note of cranberry and a sweetness kick in and then becomes more pronounced as the beer warms.  A slight but noticeable spin on the dry Irish stout.


Review – Reboot White IPA from Boulevard Brewing


Apropos to start 2014 with a reboot.  I mean Hollywood does it all the time.  Every time with younger actors.  This reboot is a re-release of the white IPA collaboration that Boulevard Brewing did with Deschutes Brewery and is now part of the Smokestack Series.  It pours a light orange.  Good crisp carbonation bite at first which fades into the familiar Belgian notes of clove and earth.  (At least for me)  The hops aren’t a big presence here so those looking for bitterness will only get a bit which are mostly in use to balance the Belgian side of the flavor ledger.  Not bad.  Smooth as it warms.  I think that I prefer the first iteration of this beer, if forced to make a choice on a dessert island.


I am excited to find some new TV shows to watch in 2014 and the one that is now on the top of my wishlist after Sherlock is another BBC import, Orphan Black.  I missed this one when it was airing but thanks to streaming and downloading, I have a 2nd chance to catch it.

Review – Greyhound Blended Barrel Aged Sour from Cismontane


I don’t much care for the new Cismontane labels but I do like the little touch of the dog and the citrus slice.  This little part works.  And so does the beer.  This liquer looking beer pours without a head and the aroma is not blasting sour at you.  Much more restrained .  More cognac to my nose.  But the taste gets back down to sour business.  Tart on the lips and quite a bit of citrus that is tempered by the wood notes.  Not tangy but mellow and sour at the same time.  Nice and complex.  Thanks to the Cap’n for voyaging down south to pick this beer up for me.

Review – Groupe G Belgian RyePA from Headlands Brewing Co.


This beer was part of my haul back from my Thanksgiving trip to the Bay Area.  Just now finding time to squeeze in the review.  All the Christmas beers monopolized space (in a good way).

This hybrid RyePA / Belgian Style from Headlands Brewing Co. pours a dark luminescent orange color.  Lots of lacing left on the glass.  I have never heard of this brewery until I saw the shiny silver can with a simple label stuck to it at City Beer in San Francisco.  It has a kick of citrus to it.  (Which is why the Satsuma is in the photo).  It has a sharp Belgian twang of farmyard funk to it.  They rye gets subsumed by those two notes though it does show up briefly in the aftertaste.  Quite interesting and I am glad I took the chance on the 16oz can.  And I wish I had seen their pilsner, Pt. Bonita.  Because I would have picked that up too.


I was going to recommend the book, The Telling Room in this spot but I am part-way through and I am not digging it.  Not at all.  This book has more footnotes than actual writing and it makes reading a bit of a slog.  So instead, I will recommend that you download and watch the Doctor Who Christmas special.  It will probably be available on the 26th.  You can wait if you wish because the next season won’t start until late 2014.

Review – Shipwrecked DIPA from Mission Brewery


Before I get into my brief review of the quart sized “cannon” of a DIPA from Mission Brewery, here is my 2010 review dusty from the archives….

Pretty orange/copper color. Hop aroma is pronounced. Nice and malty with a good amount of hop heat to it. A good representation of the DIPA style without going overboard.

Horrible pun there at the end I know and yes that is a bottle opener in front of a can.  Made for a prettier picture.  32Oz makes this one to share with a friend or two.  It is strong.  Really strong.  It is not a subtle DIPA.  I got some grapefruit notes from it but the predominant taste is a battle between the malts to keep up with the hops are mostly of the dank and pine variety to me.

The cannons are an interesting presentation and one that might make for a cool gift for the beer lover on your Christmas list or to share around the Thanksgiving table.  Of the two that I sampled courtesy of the brewery, I liked the XPA better.  The hops were more punchy and the wheat really let the citrus taste grow on you.

My non-beer side is reading a collection of 6-word memoirs from Smith Magazine. And thinking to myself that it is a lot easier in some respects to fine tune 6 clever words than writing 1700 per day for National Novel Writing Month.

Review – Pit Stop Porter from Half Moon Bay Brewing


Mavericks, the sessionable series of beers from Half Moon Bay Brewing arrived at Bevmo when I wasn’t looking and in addition to the porter there are a Pale Ale (Back in the Saddle) and a Wit (Pace Setter) in cans.

The Porter pours a dark brown.  The taste is straight up a mix of chocolate and vanilla and the latter is what comes through to my palate.  Semi-sweet but not cloying.  A tiny fraction of roast notes sneak in there as well.  Quite smooth as well.


National Novel Writing Month is taking it’s time toll on me, but I have found the time to watch a bit of Almost Human (one of the two Fringe people shows), the other being Sleepy Hollow.  I don’t know where this show is headed but I am intrigued.  Maybe it is the SciFi geek in me but it looks promising.