Something is Right

In my interweb browsing, I came across this tidbit from way back in February…..

“Today, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that he is joining more than 20 bipartisan colleagues to introduce legislation that will cut the excise tax on small breweries in half, helping small brewers across New York reinvest in their business, hire new employees, and revitalize downtown communities. Currently, brewers pay a $7 excise tax for the first 60,000 barrels they brew per year. Under the BEER Act that Schumer will introduce, that rate is slashed to $3.50 per barrel, resulting in potential savings of $210,000 per year for the brewery. The bill also cuts the tax by $2 on the next 1,940,000 barrels produced, resulting in potential savings of $3,880,000 each year. This totals over $4 million in potential annual savings for these brewers. Allowing small breweries to reinvest in their companies is good for the surrounding communities, as many build state-of-the-art structures or renovate existing buildings, preventing blight and creating good-paying jobs.

“Small breweries throughout Upstate New York not only brew great beer, they also create great jobs,” Schumer said. “By cutting taxes for these small businesses, we can help grow the economy and put more New Yorkers back to work in stable, good-paying jobs. Breweries are the crown jewels of so many of our communities, and many of them have renovated charming old warehouses in downtowns across the state. Putting more money back into these businesses will be good for economic development, good for jobs, and good for New York.””

Gnomes in New York

“This delectable blonde ale is a co-creation of two famed farmstead breweries: Brewery Ommegang and Brasserie d’Achouffe. It employs five fine malts, two noble hops, and both of the distinctive Chouffe and Ommegang yeasts. You’ll enjoy the smooth drinkability, fruity aromas and flavors, and warming finish.”

Good to see that the cross pollination of Duvel, d’Achoufee and Ommegang is continuing. It will only make for better beer. And who doesn’t like that little red-nosed gnome?

5 Years Later

Anniversary beers are right up there with collaborative brews for me. I love see the numbers tick by as the industry gets stronger and on firmer footing. So congratulations to Captain Lawrence who should try to visit LA. I’ve had one beer but their full line-up intrigues me.

New from Ommegang

That Belgian outpost in New York has a new Scottish inspired beer coming our way…

Pretty cool label outside. What’s inside, you ask? “This fine Ommegang ale uses heather tips and a wee bit of smoked malt to bring the taste and aroma of Scotland to the forefront.”

The name comes from a Scottish poem by Robert Burns, “An wil tak a cup o kyndnes yet, fir ald land syn.”

Farmer’s Tan

Beer labels are artwork in my opinion and this one from Southern Tier is even better than their Christmas Krampus…
It is for a new pale ale from the New York brewery that they dedicate to “… our farmer friends of today for cultivating the ingredients the are responsible for the beers we now enjoy. Their laborious days spent ourdoors under the hot sun earn them respect, as well as a mark of distinction: the farmer’s tan. Yes, the inevitable red and white hallmark of hard work.”

Tripel Perfection

The Belgian beer keeps coming from the Cooperstown folks at Ommegang. I have been hearing about their new BPA for a couple of weeks but since I have a fellow beer geek whose first choice is always a tripel then the release of the Tripel Perfection is even better news.

This beer is three years in the making and clocks in at 8.9% alcohol. So it is not for the weak.