Looks like 2024 is when yule logs jumped the shark thanks to the limited-edition Miller Lite YuleLager, described as “a digital, beer-pouring fireplace that offers fans a festive new way to savor the sights, sounds, and great tasting sips of the holiday season.”

With such “amazing” features like….
- “A custom BeerBlaze LED screen, which creates the illusion of a frothy, beer-filled fire;
- A custom audio track so fans can enjoy the sounds of the crackling, faux fire paired with the satisfying pop of a freshly opened Miller Lite;
- Extra beer storage designed to keep Miller Lite at the perfect temperature;
- Sturdy, built-in stocking hooks;
- An insulated, fully removable chimney-inspired beer tower that allows fans to pour ice-cold Miller Lite straight from the beautifully crafted wooden base of the YuleLager, turning holiday time into Miller Time.
Not Needed – just buy good Christmas beers and get YouTube to play a crackling fire for you and yours.