Fauci has given the green light to trick or treating so my guess is he would be OK with the hauntings at Angel City Brewery on the 29th.

Be sure to bring your vaccination card and to say thanks to those checking them.
Follow Sean Inman to the best in craft beer
Fauci has given the green light to trick or treating so my guess is he would be OK with the hauntings at Angel City Brewery on the 29th.
Be sure to bring your vaccination card and to say thanks to those checking them.
Adambier does not get the likes that other popular beers get. Gose is far more of fan favorite. But this style attributed to Dortmund, Germany pops up rarely so you should seek it out fir your beer style bingo…
And here in L.A. Angel City has their take on it, Devil’s Gate. Quite appropriate for the scary season.
I like it when wine and beer have a get together.
“These Piquette Grisette beauties were fermented and macerated for one month on leftover Mission & Zinfandel pomace (the grape skins left after pressing wine) from our L.A. River neighbors over at @AngelenoWine…. River Adjacent, get it?! Lastly, we aged em’ in Cabernet Sauvignon barrels for 9 months with a combination of sour and wild yeast cultures.
River Adjacent Zinfandel is a refreshing 4.7% slightly orange hue Grisette with soft sour notes and hints of clove, starfruit, peach and oak. Rounded out with aromas reminiscent of tangerines and pears with just a little bit of funk and a touch of black pepper.
River Adjacent Mission is a delicious little 4.3% sipper, slightly pink in hue with aromas of blood orange and black pepper. Balanced by a soft sourness and notes reminiscent of clove, starfruit, cherries and oak.”
Angel City has a new sour with a bit of a barrel twist, Fawns in the Farmhouse
Here are the interesting beer details: “We took a farmhouse saison and aged it in 2nd use Cognac barrels for 7 months to develop some sour and funky flavors with sour and wild yeast cultures. Then we crushed fresh Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from Twin Fawns Vineyard in San Miguel, CA and fermented the must and skins with Brett Lambicus and natural yeast on the grapes. Finally, we added the fermenting grapes to the farmhouse sour in barrels and let it age for another 5months.”
Angel City Brewery has another discussion coming up…
Here are the details…
Pride Month is here and so is the 3rd panel in the Crafting Conversations series. Moderated by Angel City Leader of DE&I, Carissa Sweigart to discuss the significance of the month, her take on Pride, and which is slated for June 24th at the Public House and streamed on YouTube.
If you need a couple boosts to your IPA, then Angel City Brewery has a new beer for you, Mango Chili IPA with artwork from a collaboration with Art Share LA. Now I am not a big spice fiend but a little fire with bitterness is a sneaky good combo.
Angel City Brewery is using their platform today start some discussions. Those are the things where people converse and sometimes disagree but still remain cordial.
The DTLA brewery “will kick off a new quarterly panel series, starting with Crafting Conversations: Black in Beer, live on February 21, 2021 at 2p PST. This hour-long conversation is designed to spark and continue a greater discourse around intersectional diversity in the beer industry, as well as showcase the amazing ways each panelist is making the L.A. scene that much stronger in their own way. The discussion will also cover the past, present and future of diversity and inclusion within the industry, as well as improving community allyship. The panelist line-up will include:
That is a cool line-up of L.A. beer people so we aside some time on Sunday.
Sometimes you don’t post a single thing about a brewery for months, other times breweries keep you busy. Both Angel City and fellow DTLA’r Indie Brewing have had posts recently, and they are back….
New label design for the 2020 Avocado Ale. Angel City won’t be able to hold their popular Avocado Fest this year but you can enjoy the beer with you’re favored pairing at home.
Pours a slightly green tinted orange. I wish the lime and cilantro were more pronounced. Aroma is muted. There is a nice extra slickness which must come from the main attraction, the Avocado. The grain bill gets more of a starring role. The label claims more Avocado in this year’s batch.
Thanks to the kindness of Angel City, I got the chance to try two new lighter beers from the DTLA brewery. Here are the quick reviews…
To Live and Thai in L.A. – I expected a little more lime zing or a bit something extra from this pilsner. It is solid, I would have liked it a bit more crisp and less bready but mostly was looking for the Thai part of it.
L.A. Blonde – First off, I am a Timbers fan so this beer, clothed in LAFC colors needed to win me over, and it did. It had the easy drinking blonde ale down. Looked a very pretty, bright yellow and hit the malt notes and mouthfeel that I expected.