Sean Suggests for March 2014


There are two common threads amongst the choices for this month. Three if you count that they will be perfect for a sunny spring day in Los Angeles. See if you can catch the other two.


Avery Brewing/ Joe’s Premium American Pilsner 4.7% ABV

“A contemporary rendition of a classic style, Joe’s is hopped with purpose: beautifully bitter and dry with an abundance of floral, Noble German hops.

Über sessionable. Utterly American. This is Premium American Pilsner.”


New Belgium/ Snapshot Wheat 5.0% ABV

“Snap! You just captured an unfiltered wheat beer full of refreshment and a flash of tart at the finish. Smile-inducing aromas of citrus hops jump from the nose, accompanied by the sweetness of coriander and grains of paradise. Brewed with wheat and pale malt, Snapshot pours a hazy, lemon-yellow with bright-white lacing. But the real enticement is the snap of tart. New Belgium’s affinity for sour beers led to the in-process blending of lactobacillus to pucker up Snapshot’s base. An extra step to acidify and beautify and get this beer ready for its close up.”


Great Divide/ Lasso IPA 5.0% ABV

“LASSO is the new frontier of India Pale Ale. Brewed with a robust roundup of Columbus, Centennial and Cascade hops, its sessionable simplicity proves bigger isn’t always better. But make no mistake – the Wild West hasn’t gone mild. That same untamed IPA spirit thrives, and we reckon this’ll go down mighty fine.”