Billed as an India Style Session Ale, Simple from Coalition Brewing pours a slightly hazy orange. Aroma is almost wort-ish but pleasant. I get some spice notes from the addition of the rey and a small touch of orange. But the dominant note is grapefruit and the pith. You almost get a grapefruit juice quality of bitterness. Some slight grain notes as well. And I think the label is quite well done. Bright colors and a easy to spot hop cone to latch onto when beer shopping.
My recommendation for this review is neither books nor movies nor music but donuts! Blue Star Donuts from Portland. My mother and I had a great time choosing a donut to have with our coffee but I can easily see pairing one with a beer like this that has such a great citrus taste. The Rhubard/Berry glazed donut would be a great start.