Reseal it

Resealable beer cans, seems easy but just never done before. Two options could show up (maybe) on beer cans near you.
I count myself a fan of the new can as cup (fully removable can top) that Hess Brewing uses now but that isn’t the only can technology that might be seen in craft beer in the future. PopSeal and XO cap the can in different ways but both might be just what the crowler could use to help seal up a beer from a vast 32oz can.

PopSeal is the more auto, don’t have to think about it option of the pair. Strike the center of the domed can top and the seal is cracked. And unless you push it all the way in, the little tab will pull back up each time you start drinking and then re-open when your lips press on it.

The XO Resealable Can is more like a zipper in their words. Crack it open like a regular can tab and push the little slider zipper open to get your beer. Sorta like what you may use on a re-usable travel coffee mug to prevent spills.

Personally, I would need to try the same beer from each tab style (cause I am geeky that way) but I think I would prefer the manual zipper lock version. I can imagine myself having an auto-locking tab preventing me from getting at the beer I want. Panic would ensue.