Session # 41


The chosen topic: Craft Beers Inspired By Homebrewing. How has homebrewing had an affect on the commercial beer we have all come to love? Feel free to take the topic in any direction your imagination leads you.

Write about a beer that has its roots in homebrewing. Write about a commercial beer that originated from a homebrew.

Write about a professional brewer you admire who got their start in homebrewing before they went pro. Write about a professional brewer who still homebrews in their free time.

Write about a Pro-Am beer tasted either at a festival or a brewpub. Write about an Amateur / Professional Co-op you’ve had the pleasure of experiencing (such as The Green Dragon Project).

Write about commercial brewers using “Homebrewing” as part of the marketing. Write about the Sam Adams LongShot beers, whether good or bad.

With this opportunity, I would like to rant about an imbalance that I feel needs to be focused on to keep the craft beer world lively and engaging and most importantly, growing.

We need more female home brewers. Alot more. I know most homebrew clubs have female members, maybe even sub-groups comprised solely of women. That’s great. Keep it up. But this industry is tilted far to the male side and we need to get the percentages rising on the female side of the ledger.

I have my personal reasons why the craft beer community needs to embrace this idea and it stems from a theory of mine.

My theory is that home brewing is the minor leagues for the craft beer world. That means the more women brewing at home means the better the chance that they might go pro. If your club has 20 active members and only two or three are women, the chances that one might start a brewery are not good. But if there is a large and active female membership then the odds become better. And there is no better time than now, there is mentoring available through the Pink Boots Society, there is publicity available through great writers like the Beer Wench, Lisa Morrison and Christina Perozzi, there is even a documentary in the works about female brewers.

I say all this in enlightened self-interest. I love craft beer. Spend way too much money on it. Spend way too much time writing and reading about it. But if we don’t expand our horizons to recipes from a new perspective, new styles or re-imaginings of current favorites then the world of craft beer will crash into the reef of Double IPA’s and Russian Imperial Stouts and not be able to extricate our way out. We might end up, god forbid, stagnating. Not only as an industry as a whole but in individual beers.

We as bloggers need to push, cajole, entreaty as much as possible for more women in home brewing and more women drinking and creating a big craft beer tent as big as a Munich beer Hall in September.

P.S. I just know the best beer of 2011, 2012 and beyond are out there so keep it up homebrewers!

P.S.S. Click HERE to see the Session hosts posting on the topic.

Oregon Craft Beer Month


Last month I yawped about some southwest breweries, but since July is Oregon’s time in the sun (literally), I will post about Oregon beers. And I will try my best to focus on non-Portland based brewers.

First though, here is a sampling of beer events that I believe are the highlights of the month.

CRAFT BEER MONTH KICK-OFF – McMenamin’s Hillsdale 7/1

PUCKERFEST – Sour beers at Belmont Station 7/9-7/15

INTERNATIONAL BEER – Portland International Beerfest 7/16-7/18


Rules and Regulations

I promise to get back to happy beer news with the next post today but it seems the State Government of Oregon has reinterpreted ORS 471.403 so as to ban home brew competitions!


Now I think the Tea Party (aside from choosing an ironic name, since they are represented by chosen politicians before being taxed) is too “me” first and community second but when government does stupid crap like this, you can see why the anger has arisen.

Enough vitriol by me. Check out this well written post by Lisa Morrison, one of the leading lights in the Oregon beer scene. After reading, please write to the Oregon government and let them know as a purchaser of beer from Oregon, you think they have misread the law.

The Firkin for June 2010


I am not talking about the wait staff at your local. Nope, today I want to vent about people who don’t appreciate the beer bounty in front of them.

Now I can spend all day nitpicking the nitpickers who complain about every last little detail. Life is not perfect. Not all beer festivals are great. Not all are run like clockwork. That may be a rant for another day.

What I am talking about is “appreciation”. When you go to a festival or event and a special beer is poured, I implore you to re-trace how that beer got to the glass in front of you.

The organizer had to call the brewery and schedule and then figure out how to get that beer to the location. Then all of that had to ACTUALLY happen. People get up early and lose sleep to deliver beer, set-up kegs and taps. Put up tents and tables. Secure and pay for a location. Find and train volunteers.

I haven’t even scratched the surface of what goes on BEFORE that beer gets handed to you.

What I want all of you beer geeks out there to do is simple. Say thanks to everyone who helps at the next event you attend. And if you know the organizer? Go up to them and say thanks for doing what you do. They are not well paid for this. They are doing it for the love of beer and because they want other people to love beer too.

World Cup + World Beer – Japan



This should be an intriguing match up. Japan is an exciting team to watch and like the US team very difficult to beat this year. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them reach the semi-finals.

The best known of Japanese beers is Sapporo. Might be time to hear the whoosh when a can opens of their trademark oversize silver cans.

World Cup + World Beer – Slovakia



Yesterday, I chose a beer from the England. England lost. The day before that, I chose an American beer. The US lost. So sorry to curse you Slovakia.

Some pundits may have predicted Slovakia would advance in the 2nd slot from Group F. But I am betting that most thought that Italy would have been # 1 not Paraguay. This will be a tough match-up for the Slovakians. So let’s root for the Cinderella story for today with Golden Pheasant, “a very special product. [It] is true to the style for the region, a robust, full-flavored beer. It exhibits a great balance between nutty malt flavors, aromatics and delicious noble hop varieties. The finish is clean and refreshing..”

Last weekend….

I am still recovering from 2 big events here in Los Angeles. The best part being that both were food and beer related.

On Saturday was Woodshop 5.1. Held at the Blue Palms and stretching from 9:30 in the AM with beer mimosas.
woodshop breakfast
Along with the mimosas was a great and very unique breakfast. Truffle hash browns, Belgian breakfast burritos, fruit with festina peche beer. Excellent way to start the day! And if that wasn’t enough, we got a special dessert from the new Four Cafe in Eagle Rock
plum dessert
Then it was on to the beer. 24 blind taps. Plus bottle sharing going on left and right. People were very generous. Which I now almost take for a given at these events. I got to sample beer from Flossmoor station. Sours from many different places and an awesome coffee beer from Bell’s Brewing.
woodshop bier
Palate fatigue limited me to only some of the 24 taps but my winners for the day were the Odonata Saison (making it’s first visit to SoCal) and the super fresh Moylans Hopsickle.

Big kudos to Dave, Chris and Brian for putting in the hard work to do this event.

Moving on to Sunday, it was time for Firestone-Walker and Tony’s Darts Away and the Dionicess VI.
Great beer and great food for a great cause, The Real Medicine Foundation. Food by the staff at Tony’s and Randy Clemens (who has a new cookbook coming out) and beer provided by Jace Milstead and Firestone.
beer at dionciess
The two selection of fries were my favorites and then there was a little beer at the end with dessert, starts with a “P”.
dessert at dionicess

More details to follow in my weekly posting at FoodGPS on Thursday.

World Cup + World Beer – England


TODAY: England V. Germany

No one would have thought this would have been possible. A titanic clash in the 2nd round. Can Germany regain the flair of game 1? Can England find the scoring that came so easily in qualifying?

Since this will be a battle, I have selected an appropriate beer. Bengal Lancer from Fullers. According to the fantastic Jeff Evans (if you don’t have one of his books, you are not a true beer geek).. “To my mind, Bengal Lancer sensibly marries a high score on the hop register with excellent drinkability. Bundles of Golding, Fuggle and Target hops present a resin-like bite and dry the palate, bringing tropical fruit and lemon jelly flavours to complement sweet, biscuity malt.

A little peppery warmth reminds you that this is not exactly a quaffing beer, but the way the leafy hops and their tangy fruit dominate the very dry finish means that you’re hardly likely to bolt the glass anyway. In short, it’s a solid, satisfying beer with bags of character.

The number of serious, grown-up IPAs available in the UK is increasing every day. Fuller’s latest take on the style is one of the best.”