Icelandic Brewery Tour # 1 – Olvisholt

Why Iceland as a brewery focus this month? Well it is more to do with the name combined with the wintry month of December more than anything but also, it never hurts to hear about and remember about breweries from other countries.

Plus Iceland is a unique case as brewing was banned in the country from 1915 to wait for it….1989!

So brewery culture is still taking root and growing. We start with Brewery Ölvisholt helmed by Jon Gunnlauggson and located in the south of the island near an active volcano! The brewery started in 2008.

Here is what would be in my taster tray…(italicized beers are available in the US)
Skjálfti (Premium Lager) contains a wide variety of malts an hops, resulting in more complexity, aroma and taste than the conventional Euro Lager.
Freyja is a Belgian style Witbier. Freyja is lightly spiced and easily drinkable.
Móri is the big brother of Skjalfti, containing more varieties of malt and hops. Móri is top fermented.
Lava (Smoked Imperial Stout) is quite unique in the Icelandic beer history as it is very higly rated on an international level.
Skaði – Farmhouse Ale