Furthermore brewing

I am always surprised and delighted by brewery and beer names. And this Wisconsin brewery has both, Furthermore and a quirky attitude to boot. Of the beers listed on the website the triple play struck a chord with me.


Make Weight: “Our triple pale is a bastardization of three regionally distinctive recipes that were stacked in unequal measure in order to make a beefy beer which highlights each recipe’s finer points: Esters from a dominant Flanders yeast are reigned-in by cleaner American and London strains; Kent Golding hops provide mild bitterness, giving English and Belgian specialty malts room to breath; Oregonian hops offer a fragrant nose; Belgian candy sugar boosts the strength of this mash-up to 8.5% ABV.”

Furthermore is known to those in the know for being the house beer at concerts called Shitty Barn Parties. Which are described as…“Audience and performer coexist in an intimate and integrated space with as little separating instruments and ears as possible. No stage. Stripped down. Pure music love. Like having the performance in your living room (except, in this case, a sh*tty barn). “