City Tavern

Here are some photos from the recently opened City Tavern in Culver City. You know the one. It has the tableside taps.

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the pre-opening beer list
the Hairy Eyeball from Lagunitas
The table side tap system with Telegraph, Stone and Lost Coast
The beer information for the table

3 Replies to “City Tavern”

  1. I admit to being a Lagunitas fan. Hairy Eyeball (as well as their other beers) are always well balanced and easy to drink while still being complex. My favorites are still the plain ol’ IPA and Pils but the Eyeball is a good going from dinner to dessert beer to me.

  2. I’d say it’s pretty easy to be a fan of Lagunitas. Decently high quality without high prices. As long as I can find a reasonably fresh case of the IPA, I’ll be picking one up this weekend I think along with Maximus or Hop Stoopid, but we’ll see.

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