Generalizations from Data

When I heard that a large number of Covid19 cases were found to stem from the Sturgis Motorcycle rally, it made intuitive sense. Bunch of people without masks gathering in a large group equals outbreak. But turns out that the numbers were based not on actual counted cases since the US is not a leader in contact tracing but on math and statistics which in this case were not telling the full story.

Talk about beer, I hear you yelling, well I will. First though, read THIS

We and our government need to realize, truly, the danger of this virus and how it is transmitted and tailor our responses to less general categories. I have said it before but Shop A might be home to multiple cases and Shop B might have zero. Shop A might be considered safe and Shop B might not be. The flawed thinking that bars and taprooms are too dangerous is troubling because it means that the virus will have free rein elsewhere.

NBA Finals

Well, my beloved Trailblazers are not in the finals AND the damn Lakers are! At least LeBron and AD eliminated the damn Rockets who I hate even more.

Typically each city bets local delicacies in a show of civic pride. This year though, I would like each city to promote their restaurants, sights AND breweries. Let’s have the mayor of Miami come here and have a beer.

Haus Party

When I think of Anchor Brewing, I don’t think lederhosen. But the Bay Area brewery has their spin of the Oktoberfest style with Haus Fest. Normally this ground has been ceded to a Chico brewery but it would be a good side-by-side drinking comparison.

Lost Abbey Pils

When a brewery known for sours and barrel-aged beers bring stout a Pils. Be it German, Italian or Czech, it is probably for the brewers so they can have something light and fun to drink because making these right is not easy. So I will be on the lookout for this new canned Pilsner from Lost Abbey.

Virtual Hop – Week 3

This week the hop news focuses on Fire and hop creep. Virtual Harvest from Yakima Chief via Zoom… plus some extra notes from what competitor Hopsteiner has going…

  • Wind blowing down bines was an issue as was smoke stopping work in Oregon
  • The picking schedule had to be changed on the fly.
  • Thankfully aroma hops were already picked. Alpha hops the last to get and are less sexy so small favors.
  • Dara collection and access to that data are super important. Really trying to create a continuous (almost) feedback loop.
  • Brewers can have access to lot specs nearly immediately.
  • Hop terms – Dribble Belt and Money Belt. The first cleans matter away, the latter is just the hops being moved on.
  • Hop Creep – secondary Fermentation brought on by hops. Causes off flavors and delays beer being done. Wasn’t really a problem until hazies and massive hop loads came into being.
  • The Creep can be combatted in the brewing process by timing when hops go in and clearing yeast. Some hops may cause it more so variety selection is important.
  • Before 2007 80% of hops were UN-contracted. Now 80% are contracted.
  • In 2018, 154 hop varieties were used in beers per the Brewers Association.
  • High Kiln hops might be a new term to look for.

Which Door

Cactus honey is the first ingredient that my eyes locked on when I saw this new label from Cellador Ales. But this “rustic Saison” also has some malt cred with grains from Admiral Maltings. The third piece of note is that ABV, this might need to be a shareable beer.

Sean Suggests for September 2020

To infinity and beyond. To boldly go. Or just ride a hop rocket to the stars in this month’s beer picks.


Modern TimesPerpetual Radiance Hazy Pale Ale – 5.5% ABV

“This infinitely sessionable hazy pale was loaded to the rafters with Galaxy, Strata and Simcoe hops. This killer combo of North American hops yields a super-choice amalgam of berries, citrus, & stone fruit underscored by ultra-refreshing notes of pine. It’s a pretty excellent way to approach a balmy summer afternoon.”


Fremont BrewingSpace Rex IPA – 7% ABV

“What do you do when you’ve crashed on a distant planet, befriended a T-Rex and run out of beer – Intergalactic Beer Run! Space Rex, a cosmically juicy and refreshing hazy IPA from the center of the universe. Moderately sweet with a subtle, growing bitterness in medium body with smooth carbonation.”


Trademark BrewingStar Guide Hazy IPA – 8.2% ABV

“Rocket through the intergalactic haze with this star studded Hazy IPA. Featuring a bouquet of Cashmere, BRU-1 and Hallertau Blanc hops expertly paired with oats, wheat and pale malts. Explore hints of green mango, melon and guava. This is starstuff in a silver can.”

Up From the Cellar – Threes from Eagle Rock Brewery

This 3rd anniversary beer from Eagle Rock Brewery pours an opaque dark orange.  Not much head in the pour.  This Strong Ale has held up pretty well though for a seven year old beer.  The rye spice note is still there. A little caramel/ cola sweetness as well. There is a component here that may be a degradation of the beer, I think it may have been where the alcohol burn may have been, a woody bass line.