

The job of creating cocktails for a nationwide chain must be hard enough. Trying to please corporate and managers without ever seeing an actual customer and finding out what they would actually like with their Red Robin burger.

Then fold in having to satisfy tie-ins and “synergy” must just add a whole new level of difficulty.

I imagine the discussion was, “tell the cocktail person that they need to use this brand of vodka and this brand beer and to use the can too ’cause the dishwasher costs are too damn high.”

On a side note, I like how they slyly add craft into the tag.  It dresses up the Coors.

I would rather buy Paula Deen butter because these cocktails look absolutely gross.

Canning at the Pizza Port

If you are a Pizza Port and Port Brewing fan then you will like hearing that they have another location in the works (oh and they will be canning some beer there too)

It is in Bressi Ranch, which I am not familiar with but that is beside the point, there is time lapse video to be watched with quirky music……

Dry River Brewing


1st – Check out this Kickstarter video

2nd Find their beer before anyone else at these events:
JULY 5    Grand Performances – Nina Simone
JULY 13  NELA Art Gallery Night
JULY 14  Permaculture Networking at The Shed

If everyone pitches in, we could be having their beers by the end of the year!

Change the Game

“Buffalo Wild Wings partners with Redhook Brewery on Game Changer

Redhook Gamechanger AleRedhook Brewery is partnering with the casual dining Buffalo Wild Wings to produce a new beer called Game Changer this summer.

This from the press release, “Redhook has become savvy when it comes to pairing strategic partnerships with beer brands. The company launched Audible Ale with The Dan Patrick Show earlier this year and previously created a beer for the Seattle Sounders soccer team.”

Now, the rest of the release details economic numbers and talks about locations and margins.  And that makes me not want to even look at this on a store shelf.  The first, second and third paragraphs should be about the beer.  And only the beer.

It could be the best beer in the world but it wasn’t made except for monetary reasons.

the Colorado State campus is Brewing

Colorado State University plans to open one of nation’s first campus breweries.


C.S.U. has begun the process to build a brewery in the Lory Student Center which is already scheduled to be renovated this summer.  Read more at the Coloradoan HERE

Thank god, there wasn’t one of these operating at Linfield when I was in college or my GPA might have been far below where it ended up.

Take the Lid off

Sly Fox has flipped canning 180 degrees with its 360 Lid. Instead of a tab to a small opening, the 360 Lid let’s you remove the top of the can completely, magically creating an aluminum cup for your Helles. (and later their Pikeland Pils!)


Now how will the foreign owned industrial water lager producers respond?

Craft Beer College


When people talk about beer school, they primarily focus in on the brewing aspect but Portland State University now has a course to address the business side of the equation.

I have pulled some bits from the article on the Oregonian newspaper website that I think will pique your interest if you are pondering running a craft beer company.

“..Professor Mellie Pullman,  who leads the new program for PSU’s Professional Development Center. “We’re focusing on the business skills that will make your brewery or pub more efficient and profitable. If you’re not already in the business, the classes will give you what you need to create a viable business plan for a startup.”

-many people don’t realize that craft beer is as much a business as any artistic endeavor. And a well-written plan is a guide map to being successful.

“And even if you don’t live here in Beervana, the courses are available online and can be accessed by anyone anywhere in the world.”

-so you can learn without packing up your bags and heading north.

Being in Portland means Pullman has access to a wide variety of industry partners. “We’ve already filmed a segment at Widmer Brothers Brewing  and two at Hopworks Urban Brewery,”  she said. The growing list of future partners includes Rogue Ales, a stalwart PSU supporter; Bull Run Distilling; suppliers such as Great Western Malting; equipment builders such as JV Northwest and Metalcraft Fabrication; and smaller breweries and brewpubs, including Captured by Porches  and Migration Brewing Co.

-brewery tours alone will not cut it.  You need to visit and talk with all types of vendors.

the class consists of four segments: Basic Business for Craft Breweries;  Craft Beverage Business Management;  Strategic Craft Beverage Marketing; and Finance and Accounting for the Craft Brewery;  plus an optional immersion weekend spent touring breweries and suppliers.

-I, so, would have taken this class back in my college days

Beer Shipments Future?


While most breweries seem to be shying away from sending their beer in the mail due to legal hassles on a state and Federal level.  It looks like a brewery from Kent, Washington is bucking that trend!

Airways Brewing is shipping bottles and eventually cans of their beers including an anniversary ale (as I type this).  Now you can get their stuff online via Let’s Pour too but maybe this will make other breweries think about selling via the interwebs.


Green Flash on the East

SO another Left Coast brewery is headed east.  Green Flash Brewing Co.  will open a new brewery in Virginia Beach.  In short time, the Silva led operation has moved to a bigger facility in San Diego and now will create a sister site in Virginia.


The Virginia Beach operation should be brewing in the first part of 2015 though brewery openings are usually harder to pin down

This means fresh Palate Wrecker for the East Coast and maybe a collaborative brew as well!

Mississippi Brewing

Living in a “catching up to the craft beer leaders” city like L.A. gives me empathy for other locales that are now ratcheting up their own beer community. So a shout out to the south today for a beerier 2013.

Southern Prohibition Brewery will be brewing (hopefully by spring) in a former furniture warehouse to house a 20-barrel brewing system capable of producing up to 3,000 barrels of beer a year.
Gordon Creek Brewery is mere blocks from Southern Prohibition and they will be brewing on a small 5 barrel system near the creek that provided the name of their business starting in (again hopefully) February.

Both are in Hattieburg, Mississippi.