Home Brew World

I don’t cover home brewing all that much. Mostly because I don’t do it myself so I have little to offer when it comes to hopping rates, equipment and the latest trends. But I know who does know that stuff and who has access to many home brewers. And now, Joshua Bernstein has compiled that knowledge in his new book HomeBrew World.

Here is the blurb: “Meet the award winners, visionaries, and scofflaws leading the homebrew revolution. How did they get started? What equipment do they use? Where do they find storage space? What are their hopping techniques, yeast strategies, and aging methods? How do they keep temperatures constant without sophisticated climate controls? What’s their best recipe? Get to know the Stylists who hammer home perfect takes on time-honored beers; the Hop Pack who boldly push IPAs and other hop-forward brews into fragrant new territory; the Wild Ones who are harvesting ambient yeast, unleashing rowdy microbes, and experimenting with souring bacteria to extend the boundaries of good taste; and the Creative Front, who follow one simple rule—no rules at all.”

A Book & A Beer – Legacy of Spies

I have not read much John Le Carre, outside of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which though full of double-cross and lies moved at what could be called a “stately” pace.

Legacy of Spies takes one of the side characters Peter Guillam and puts him front and center as the narrator of another dirty chapter of spycraft from The Circus.

This time a lawsuit has spurred the British government to coerce Guillam to give them the facts regarding Operation Windfall that led to the death of a spy and civilian in Berlin.

Legacy cuts back in time and the past episodes are exciting but they never really pay off in total excitement. Everything starts promising and then peters out. A mole is spirited away and then dead pages later. This problem really hits at the end. I read the last page three times thinking that I missed some key pay-off but no, the book just ended.

To add some intrigue to a book that falls a bit short, I suggest two L.A. beers. On is from Yorkshire Square – Castle Dangerous Export Stout. British tinged, dangerous and an export. Then I would have System of a Stout from Beachwood Brewing. Since the Russians are involved, got to have an RIS.

Enter the Beer Pantry

I usually look at the photos of cookbooks and not much else. But I have had the pleasure of being in the audience with Chef Adam Dulye on two separate occasions and learned a lot both times.

Which is why I will be actually looking deeper at the latest beer cookery book, The Beer Pantry which “is a primer on cooking that complements beer, teaching readers how to think like a chef when pairing their favorite craft brews with culinary ingredients.”

Book Review – Miracle Brew by Pete Brown

I Kindle’d up this book with a bit of wariness. The weakest part of most beer books is the discussion of ingredients and how-to brew but Pete Brown has done a well-executed deep dive into historical fact and straight up fun facts in his book, Miracle Brew.

Here’s a couple of the fun facts:
“…in French, wine is masculine and beer is feminine.”
“So there’s a cloud of booze at the centre of the galaxy, just hanging in space…”

There are anecdotes about Michael Jackson, yeast banks and old time hop picking summer “vacations” in Kent that really flesh out the main sections of Malt, Water, Hops and Yeast. You learn about each of the ingredients but not in a stuffy way. It feels like a good museum exhibit where you go from one painting to the next with a guide explaining each one.

I was a bit flummoxed by the ending though which had to alternative takes on the Reinheitsgebot. That and a shooting whilst visiting Munich really put a pall on the book that was not there before. Primarily that is due to me and the shooting and bombing that seem to be nearly everyday here in America. But it seemed out of place. A late tie it up with a bow kind of diminishes that downer but not really.

But overall, this book really delivers. Not more so than in the old adage that Brown relays, “We don’t make beer; we simply gather the ingredients in the right place. The yeast makes the beer.” Brown has certainly gathered the ingredients in Miracle Brew.

A Book & A Beer – Draft # 4

This was going to be the book that I reviewed for March. But then some past events came to light.

So, I went to the next in line book, Draft # 4 by John McPhee.

This book is basically a writing class from an actual professor and actual working writer who published in The New Yorker amongst other gigs.

You get some behind the typewriter scenes about gathering material and how to structure a story but even more fascinating to me were the anecdotes about the fact checkers and the need to have writers green 1 a story, by which McPhee explains, is reducing the story by one line. And you can’t do that by just removing the last sentence.

The section on how he refused to use a regular “Word” program and instead kept a dying specific to just him software program afloat came across as a bit pompous especially when it is of little use to pretty much any aspiring writer.

That being said, it is always interesting to see how a writer builds a story and the pluck and luck needed.

To drink, I would start with a can from Evil Twin, I Plan On Writing An Epic Poem About This Gorgeous IPA. I know that McPhee is primarily non-fiction but that Name would make a writer smile and there are no hop puns.

If you are in Denver, you could just hit up Fiction Brewing and read the book there. Or for us Angeleno’s you could look for Stronger than Fiction from Bottle Logic in Orange County.

Certified Specialist

The beer education minded Cicerone examiners have created some specific courses for those wanting to expand their knowledge pas the basic Certified Beer Server level. Two are country specific and two are more bar and brewing related.

Brewing Ingredients & Process Course – $59.00
“A specialist course covering the ingredients of beer and each step in the brewing process with a focus on flavor sources at the level required to earn the specialist badge and prepare for the Certified Cicerone exam.”

Keeping & Serving Beer Course – $59.00
“A specialist course covering draft systems and troubleshooting, glassware, draft line cleaning, and storage of beer at the level required to earn the specialist badge and prepare for the Certified Cicerone exam.”

The brewing course would be my choice of the two but the next two I am strongly thinking about…

German Course – $59.00
“A course covering German and Czech beer at the level required to earn the specialist badge and prepare for the Certified Cicerone exam.”

British & Irish Course – $59.00
“A specialist course covering British & Irish beer at the level required to earn the specialist badge and prepare for the Certified Cicerone exam.”

Roger Protz on IPA

I just Kindle’d this book from British beer éminence grise Roger Protz charts the rise-fall and big rise of IPA from a non-hazy perspective with the basic title of IPA and the much more instructive “A Legend in Our Time” sub-title.

A review to come later this month.

A Book & A Beer – The 12 Lives of Samuel Hawley

I haven’t had a real page turner in a while. That rare book that is exciting and literary at the same time. The type of book that you can picture as a good movie if done right.

The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley is one such book. The book is located in an East Coast small fishing town. Where a father and a daughter have returned to where the mother grew up.

There have been many moves in the past and lots of guns around the house they move into. In time, we learn of the twelve bullets that landed in Samuel Hawley both before and after the birth of Loo (I do hate girls/women with faux boy names). Poor Hawley as he is called, seems like a magnet for bullets which is bad considering his chosen profession is mostly of the illegal kind where guns seem to be plentiful.

The interaction between Hawley and Loo as well as flashbacks to friends, enemies and more enemies as well as his love, Lily lend an easy poignancy that has you rooting for them and against their foes.

What makes this book is that it sticks the landing. Loo gets a end of movie style moment that closes the adventure but also leaves some strands open. Both Hawley and Loo have grown and learned a bit but they haven’t fake changed, their character arcs remain in motion.

To drink with this book, you could pick from many states since the characters roam from one crime adventure to another but I will pick one from each side of the US. Something bitter for the teenager Loo and something rough and dark for Hawley.

Alaskan Brewing Icy Bay IPA or their Smoked Porter would be perfect for the wayward job in Alaska.

For the East, Harpoon Brewery has Hoppy Adventure IPA or Nana’s Nightcap Porter. (yes, there is a cranky yet worldy grandma in the story)

Book Review – Beeronomics

I went on a little Kindle reading spree and this is the first book (on sale!) that I read, Beeronomics: How Beer Explains the World by Devin Briski and Johan Swinnen.

I went through this book on Kindle fairly quickly which is a good sign for a history focused book. History can easily become deathly dull.

But overall, despite some nuggets of new facts, this book is a bit too scattershot for me. I think I would have rather read a deep dive on the history of Gruit taxes or more content on the Eastern European breweries before and after communist rule.

As it were, when the topic of SABInBev came up, I wanted to read Dethroning the King again rather than the shortened chapter given to it in the book.

As a beer book completist, it was good to fill in the gaps but I wanted more.