
There appears to be a vast market of beverages that are ready in seconds and can be consumed by the cup. Be it Keurig with both hot and cold settings or insta-soda’s, American’s need their caffeine and sugar and they need it fast and with maximum un-recyclability.

But where it is easy to add the concentrate of soda to sparkling water to make a decent soda trying to craft a beer that way sounds really ill-conceived. The company Sodastream wants to put a device on your counter to “concoct crafted beer in seconds” by adding alcoholic concentrate to sparkling water.

The first “beer” (concentrate) available through their German online store is “Blondie,” is a light beer coming in at 4.5% ABV.

This just sounds bad and I have so many questions. Sparkling water is not an ingredient in beer, so how does that work? Who is making the concentrate? Has anyone rated it on RateBeer or Untappd? When can I get Worst Beer Blog to sample it?

Some things in life you wait for or you go to the store and buy it ready made.