All 50

Maybe this is an idea that could become a yearly endeavor with a new set of 50 breweries each year.
Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 12.39.24 PMA single recipe is produced/procured/part of a contest? and then each chosen brewery makes their particular version.  Ambitious whale hunters could try to track them down and (nab the bottle caps for their American Cap Map).  A new charity could be picked each year and maybe have a tour across America or have a separate booth at the Great American Beer Festival.

Why am I spitballing ideas?  Because of this cool project started with Declaration Brewing Company that has teamed up the Brewer’s Association that has recruited over 105 breweries in all 50 states to brew a beer for American Craft Beer Week which runs from May 16th to 22nd this year.  Under the hashtag of #biggestsmallbeerever it will be brewed to honor a Colorado brewer Paul Ogg who was diagnosed with peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma.