A Book & A Beer – Becoming Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss immediately brings to mind the word Vivid to me. Vivid colors, vivid wordplay, vivid creatures and Becoming Dr. Seuss by Brian Jay Jones takes us back to the beginning to see how Theodore Geisel morphed into a Doctor (with degree and everything).

There are a lot of events in his life that I did not know about. His dabbling in movies, his work under famed director Frank Capra during World War 2, his move to La Jolla from the East Coast and sad points in his personal life.

Mostly what comes through are the sparks of creativity that led to his famous books starting with Bartholomew and his hats to The Grinch and the Lorax. Learning about how a book like Cat in the Hat came about adds to how great his ideas were.

You might want to find a glitter beer to drink while reading about the places that you will go to or lean to another San Diego institution with roots in La Jolla, Karl Strauss. Maybe Follow the Sun Pils which is what Geisel did coming west and building a home high on a hill or go for Wreck Alley considering that he was a poor driver. Whatever you choose, it should be fun and wild.