I have ranted about IP (intellectual property) casual theft on the part of breweries across our nation. In fact, got a post coming up about a specific example. But instead of using the same old adjectives like lazy and stealing or making a comment about if they try to get away with those type of labels, imagine what they are doing with the actual beer. I am going to give some constructive ideas so that a brewery can stop doing it.
- Hire a local artist – there are great design artists out there, and a flock of great artists as well. Contact your local universities or ask your regular fans to make suggestions.
- Create your own cartoon character – if you are so keen to put a toucan on your still fermenting fruit pop beer, then create your own mascot. Hire a caricaturist to design one to be the face of your next beer. Explodey the Covered in Beer Eagle is available.
- Use photography – rarely used so it will stand out if that is all you are looking for but you could document your since day one fans or your neighborhood.
Now get creative!