Many people approach the New Year as a chance to project what new adventures can be embarked upon. Travel is an obvious one as are improving ones future health or finding a new job or just general steps forward.
I see that view but also look at the calendar change as a chance to leave 2019 things in 2019 and not re-visit them. Don’t expect me to say “OK Boomer” in 2020. And there are quite a few beer things that need to stay in the past….
Sexist beer names and the social media shaming that comes with it. If you are still finding any body part humor funny, well, I cannot help you and I am not going to publicize it either.
Lining up for special release beers. We should all agree that there is literally more than enough great beer out there that waiting to buy your max amount possible is not the best use of time.
Dryuary. Oh, how the articles about you are all the same. I felt better. I lost weight. But I didn’t have as much fun and didn’t socialize as much. Blinding glimpse of the obvious the whole experiment is.
Bagging on Untappd. I understand that the reviews may not be helpful but at least it isn’t as bad or mercenary as Yelp. Take it for what it is, a small form of free advertising when I post what I am drinking.