The 2017 Blog Disclaimer

Each year, I start the blogging calendar with a disclaimer. It is not a sexy post but I feel it is important to take the tiny amount of time each year to set the ground rules.

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Every beer, brewery, event, restaurant reviewed on this site whether paid for or complimentary will get the same treatment when reviewed. If I don’t like the beer, it will be described as a beer that I did not like, even if it was handed to me by the brewer and I like the brewer.

If I forget (which probably will happen, because it has before) to mention how I got a beer or a pass to an event, then go back and read the previous paragraph. (I should just “If” “Then” chart this out.)

I clearly want the Los Angeles Craft Beer Scene to flourish and I want craft beer in general to flourish. So my reviews will also take that into consideration. Some points in time require cheerleading and others require harsh sentences. It shouldn’t take a reader too long to see where I stand.

I will be as impartial and truthful as I can be while also staying as opinionated as usual.