The Firkin for June 2017

Zima. So, it came back this month. Photos posted. Digital ink spilled. For what, a wave of nostalgia for something that was barely a flash in the pan and was barely even consumable?

On my other hand, if people can somehow choke down Monster energy drinks and their ilk, why not tempt their tastebuds with what has been called in THIS illustrative Slate piece “tinfoil soaked in Fresca”.

Here’s the deal; Zima was a weird Frankenstein alco-pop. It wasn’t Donnie Darko or some other piece of pop culture ephemera that was too early to be recognized. It was recognized as bad in a time when there were few good beer choices and failed. It limped along in multiple incarnations only to never catch that momentary spark again.

You can say that I am a killjoy. What’s a few laughs about the past? Well, unless you are rocking a Flock of Seagulls hair style, then please administer your own dose of STFU. You could say I am raising this to a level it doesn’t deserve. True. But this country could use a whole lot more introspection and a lot less, “but it’s fun.”

We don’t need to bow down to beer snobs but we could use a ton of more reverence to the food and drink we consume. I won’t stop anyone from watching Bachelor in Paradise but I will tell those diehard viewers that you could watch a documentary that lifts the mind and soul and still be cool.

So let’s leave Zima in the past with the other historical moments this country wishes it could erase.

Crap, maybe Zima came back because of Trump. Knowing we would need to forget this horrible time like a nightmare.

Zomething Unneeded

If you are looking for a shark jumping moment for the alco-pop trend, well get ready to put on your water skis and leather jacket. Zima is returning to shelves for the first time since 2008. (I thought it died before Y2K)

Not only is it coming back amidst an even bigger craft beer market, it is entering a sub-niche at it’s most crowded as well. With Not Your Father’s augmented with Not Your Mom’s, Hard Lemonades, Bud-A-Rita’s galore and the like. I am thinking of bottling some of my tap water since it is really Hard too. Scarily, it would probably sell. Especially if I called it Hazy.

My firm prediction is that people will purchase one or two for retro/throwback purposes and never come back again. Zima will be gone before we even know it was there. If the marketing genius who proposed this was smart, they would release it once a year and create a whole retro themed event around it. Sorta like the Shamrock shake. Hell, sell it at McDonald’s with a McRib for an “UN”Happy Stomach Meal.