World Cup + World Beers – South Africa


All eyes now turn to South Africa as today is the start of the 2010 World Cup. From the opening whistle to final goal, I will suggest some great beers to drink while rooting on your favorite World Cup team. The beers selected wil be brewed in or famous in one of the countries playing that day. And since it is summer, I will focus on lighter, refreshing fare.


Here is the game day selection for hosts South Africa and Castle Lager part of the corporate giant SAB.
This is now a traditional water lager that uses corn as a main ingredient and is heavily marketed. But is has a long history in South Africa starting as a refresher for mine workers and would probably do the trick on a hot June day.

Beer Genie

The British Beer & Pub Association has created quite an interesting beer site. Beer Genie has a nice mix of fun and solid information. Such as…..

Beer & Wedddings, Beer and the World Cup, Beer and BBQ