It won’t be a showdown with bloody knuckles at the end but rather a showdown with Bloody Knuckle as the base beer for some wild, cask beers.
And it all goes down at Smog City in Torrance on the 28th.

Here is the info for the event and if you miss it, you’ll have to wait until March for the next one. So get your calendars out.
“We’re going head to head in our inaugural Smog City Battle of the Cask!! Each member of our Smog City crew has designed their own cask recipe, yes, even Laurie and we need your help to determine a winner!
At Noon on Saturday, Dec 28th, we will be tapping all five at the same time in a. Who’s cask will win? It’s up to the fans to chose!
In honor of the holidays and the lovely chilly weather, all of the casks will be made using the Bloody Knuckle, our Robust Porter, as the base beer. “
Cask Line-Up
*Fruit and Maple Cask
Contains Dried Orange Cranberries and Maple Syrup
*Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cask
Contains Dried PB, Chocolate Powder and Cocoa Nibs
*Mint Chocolate Cask
Contains Chocolate Powder, Cocoa Nibs, Mint Oil and Vanilla Beans
*Toasted Coconut Cask
Contains Toasted Coconut and Vanilla Beanks
*5th- Raspberry chocolate sticks porter
Contains: Raspberry Purée, Freeze dried raspberries. Coco powder, Cocoa nibs, Vanilla beans