Three Weavers Brewing Company has been busy and will be getting busier as it prepares to open sometime this year.
They (Lynne and Alexandra) have participated in three collaborations: “Two with Golden Road Brewing, one exclusively for the United Kingdom in a series that brings the best craft beers from America and the second, a Stateside version called Cross the Pond. The third collaboration (The Messenger) was with Noble Ale Works to celebrate their anniversary earlier this month.”
And on March 6th (That’s TODAY!), Three Weavers’ Kickstarter campaign launches.
If you haven’t tried their collaborations yet, they will be at the Glendale Tap on March 6th and tentatively at Cinco (Playa del Rey) March 7th to celebrate kicking off the Campaign.
PS – I am now waiting to try the beers and will report back in a PSS.
PSS – I tried both and I really dug the Messenger. Had a nice bitterness backed by what I can only describe as lemonade notes. The Cross the Pond tastes very much part of the Golden Road family but is a welcome addition to the Session IPA trend, if you can find either, I suggest you try it.