
It is Smog City Brewing Day here at BSP so let’s talk gin-barrel aged saison.

In addition to being aged in gin barrels, there is additions of vanilla and lemon in this cocktail inspired beer that clocks in at 10.8%. Plus I like that French style font and the royal goblet on the label.

Infinite (Well, Two) Wishes

I hope that you purchased your Infinite Wishes from Smog City Brewing, I bought two of the variants and here are my thoughts…

Coconut Vanilla – I always worry that coconut will be too overpowering. But this smells and tastes like a Mounds bar. Back when they were made with actual chocolate and actual coconut. So smooth. A little ABV and carbonation bite at the end but that just balances the books as it were. Nice lingering dark chocolate flavor.

Double Bourbon – I guess that I was expecting DOUBLE. Aroma times 2. Flavor times 2. Luxury times 2. Instead, this tasted a bit thinner than the coconut/vanilla. The aroma is nicely bourbon and the taste is nice and strong but it is a bit slight. Maybe because it is bubbly on the tongue that is cutting the strength.

Such a different duo.


Smog City has canned a beer that was originally released on draft only last year (or was it the year before, dates are blurry)

I was glad that an export lager had been a hit, that is at odds with the the normal. Let’s hope that New Normal has another run.


Smog City came through with the IPA series in 2021. And for 2022 they are going big as in embiggen the ABV.

“Aptly dubbed the Bizarre Evolution Series, this series will embody our collective spirit of forging ahead, innovating new and exciting beers, and making the best out of this new reality. 

The first beer in this exciting new series will be released on Friday, January 21st and we’re coming out strong with a Triple IPA that is 11%.”


Smog City Brewing has a new Community Impact Beer on the way.

#3 is in collaboration with The Bay Foundation and is “a West Coast IPA featuring Zappa® & Medusa hops, which are the only hop variety that are native to the Southwest US.”

The Bay Foundation works to “restore native plant species and kelp forests, which fights climate change and keeps our coast balanced & full of life.”

Coming on October 8th.

Like a Boss

I an just going to let the press release do the talking for this new IPA from Smog City...

“We are SO excited and proud to be releasing the Women of Smog collaboration beer, Total Boss Red IPA, this Friday, 7/16, in 4-pack cans & draft. This beer is more than just a delicious libation. It’s a statement about how we at Smog City feel about women in the beer industry- they are Total Bosses! We think women deserve respect and a place on the brew deck and are a driving force in making the craft beer industry a better, more inclusive & creative space for all. Over half of our leadership team is female, including our owner Laurie, and we demand respect for all the amazing ladies on our team.

To make Total Boss, all of the Women of Smog worked together to form the recipe (with the support of our brewmaster) and then they hopped on the brew deck to make the beer. It’s been a fantastic and uplifting process for them to come together and create this brew out of solidarity for all the hardworking women in our industry that are overlooked & mistreated far too often.

The beer is a bright, citrusy red IPA brewed using Red X malt for a beautiful ruby hue. It comes in at 6.3% and will be canned the same day we release it, this Friday! And special thanks to @mrdavidruano for this amazing label! Swipe left to see the copy up close and the original photo of the ladies on brew day.”

10 Smoggy Years

I bet that if the 10th anniversary had fallen in 2020 that would have been hard. Thankfully Smog City gets to celebrate this milestone with a better semblance of reality as well as a new special IPA. Plus, you know they will be finding some special goodies from the cellar to offer.