It is not too often that folks will openly let you know that their establishment is not safe. But everything is bigger in Texas, including hubris.
But this post is not about knowing that this bar will soon be on the news as a virus hotbed. It is about the smaller signs to look for when going to a bar or taproom.
A. Tables should either be removed or blocked from use.
B. Doors should be open to avoid contact.
C. Windows should be open to avoid recirculating air.
D. You should see hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies around and being used.
E. There should be a restricted amount of people inside.
F. Masks should be on
Here is a way simple analogy. You do not go to a car dealership and ask for a car with either seatbelts, airbags or anti-lock brakes. There is no OR, it is AND. Same with virus safety. A mask and six feet is safer than just a mask. That is why you need to look and see first before sitting down.