Beer Reviews

You may have noticed that my site started with more reviews of beers than it does now. That is a conscious choice. I am not a great beer reviewer. My skill is more in choosing beer for people and getting beginners onto the beer bandwagon. But I would be remiss if I didn’t showcase some people who review well. Movies have reviews. iTunes reviews songs so I see the niche that is filled.

So if you want to see a clean site with lots of photos and well written reviews of a variety of beers, here is another that I can recommend…
Hoggie’s Beer Reviews. You can also check out his YouTube channel via his site as well.


Another new beer-centric website has sprung up that you might want to peruse and see if it will help you in your beer journey. Brewpot allows you to rate beers, find beers you might like if you like “Beer A” and also has some brew news.

It is still a toddler so don’t expect all the information in the world, yet.

Tweet that Brew

I am not a Twitter sort of guy. I am not a long winded writer to begin with so condensing further would probably not help me improve my style or grammar.

That being said, people really dig it. For every luddite there seems to be 10 Tweeters. Since, it is my self-appointed job to get everyone to drink better beer, I will not leave the tweeters out.

Go to Twit A Brew and you can instantly review (in 140 characters or less) your thoughts on the beer in front of you.

According to the creators, “My real hope for this site is to help people explore and share all the wonderful beers that are out there.”

new beer magazine…

…I can’t get enough of them. There is such a large world of beer that I need all the content that I can get my hands on. Into the void comes, Beer Connoisseur magazine.

Beer reviews. Great contributors like Stephen Beaumont and Carolyn Smagalski. But most importantly good content!

Support great beer writing! It pairs well with any style of beer.


As you have noticed from my video reviews, I am not a big fan of the straight one shot pointing at a guy drinking beer. Hence, you can only hear me in my spontaneous reviews.

Every rule has exceptions and one I make is for HopCast. They mix it up with interviews, beers of the month and profiles of home brewers.

They have been duly added to my favored links.

The Drunken Polack

This is a really cool website to learn about the cutting edge of beer. Dave reviews all sorts of beers and has an extensive list of beers he is willing to trade. Check out his site HERE to learn about his take on Stone Juxtaposition (amongst other beers).