More Small Print

There is the potential that beer labels will have to squeeze in a lot more information onto them in the future.  More specifically, allergens and nutrition information.  Which is not good for those, like me, who need major magnification just to read what hops are in the beer.  And though I like the idea of a QR code that leads you to more detailed information, what percentage of people are going to use that and then what percentage of those will understand the governmental gobbledygook that passes for information?

You can read more HERE from the Brewers Association. 


Traverse City Whiskey Company has come up with an imaginative use of barrels that breweries could use as a template for barrels that they are finished with…

…through the summer, “the company is encouraging locals and visitors alike to participate in a citywide scavenger hunt to locate the various barrels. Participants who find a barrel can scan the QR Code to learn more about the program. There are different prizes for finding specific numbers of barrels. After scanning the QR code, participants will take a selfie in front of the barrel and then post it to their personal Facebook or Instagram and tag TCWC. At the end of the barrel program, TCWC will auction off a select number of barrels to the public during an event at The Stillhouse to be announced. Proceeds will benefit a local charity or charities.”

L.A. has had some success with angel statues painted by different artists and my City of Glendale has had artists painting utility boxes for years. I could see beer labels embiggened onto a barrel or artwork inspired by the labels at least.