Starting Today

Craft beer fans will recognize the name of Bart Watson as the pragmatic numbers guys for the Brewers Association.  But he is currently the vice president of strategy and membership after his stint as the chief economist of the group, Watson becomes president and CEO on January 6, 2025 two days after the retirement of Bob Pease on January 3.

photo courtesy of the Brewers Association

You can get the full scoop HERE.

It is a challenging time in the beer industry but Watson knows the group from the ground up so I expect that good changes and good growth are on the horizon.

Ugh! Times 4 Years

You could probably guess from my anti-Trump jabs that I did not want the Tiny-Handed Tangerine Vulgarian in the White House.

Well, I did not get what I wanted and I am very depressed for this country and I don’t think it bodes well for our economy to have thin-skinned, multi-bankruptcy Donald in charge. But no one accused Americans of intelligence, so I am not surprised.

You could quip that at least I have craft beer to drown my sorrows in but I drink to enjoy the creativity of brewers, to support local business and a myriad of other positive reasons. Not to blot out the bad in life. And there will be a lot of bad in the next four years.

I will bet that many an anti-Donald beer will be made and maybe that is where I can find some laughs as we try to survive four years of a reality show President who sues everyone in sight and doesn’t pay his own bills.

All I can say is Chinga tu Pelo, and to those who voted for him, he’s your problem now. I am washing my hands of this election and I will see you on the other side of four years. If we make it that far.