Temporary Access


There are a few private breweries who only sell memberships and whose beers  do not grace store shelves.  I am not a club joiner because I like to pick and control and they usually have lots of extra purchases involved but others like the surprise of a mystery box of beer and the true camaraderie of a group of like minded folks.  

One of these clubs is Horus Aged Ales and for the month of July some of their beers will be available on the beer retail site Tavour.  So if you want to make it a big stout summer, this is your chance.

Dulce Duo

It is not a long leap from pastry styled beers to the beer equivalent of the cinnamon challenge. There are two (probably more) releases coming for the Dulce de Cerveza crowd…

I am intrigued by the Bruery/Horus combo though I honestly thought at first that it was a french fry beer before reading the featured ingredients. I would expect that the Sierra Nevada version would be less intense and less sweet. The fact that the former goes from barrels to a can is quite cool in my opinion.

Featured Review – Ferruginous from Mason Ale Works and Horus Aged Ales

Heading down south again and this time for a collaboration between Mason Ale Works and Horus Aged Ales (of which this is my first 1/2 of beer from)

Really detailed can design with Horus and their logo on one side and Mason on the flip side, plus little logos in the background. This DIPA poured a clear orange color. Orange rind and malt aroma duking it out. Getting some grapefruit notes as well. This comes across really strong. Much more alcohol hit from this than an earlier beer drunk with ABV close to it. More triple than double to me. Sticky on the tongue. This is a sipper.

Recommend? Take a flyer. One can will only be about $3 so go for it.

A Collaborative Only Brewery

There are plenty of interesting nuggets when reading about new nano brewery Horus Aged Ales. First and foremost is in the names from Kyle Harrop’s Oceanside brewery will be barrel-aged. Also the Southwestern logo.

What struck me though was the width and breadth of Harrop’s collaborations. Here is the list of past and future collaborators:

Courtyard Brewery of New Orleans
Homage Brewing of Pomona
Abnormal Beer Company of Rancho Bernardo
Alvarado Street Brewery of Monterey
El Segundo Brewing of (obviously) El Segundo)
Wren House Brewing of Phoenix
J. Wakefield Brewing of Miami
Great Notion Brewing of Portland
The Answer Brewpub of Richmond
White Fence Brewing of Vista
And finally… Rip Current Brewing of San Marcos

That will be quite the event if they can get all of those under one roof.

This long list led me to think about the possibility of a brewery just doing collaborations. Would that be feasible? Would you even need a brewery of your own? Would you package or have a tap room? What location would be prime for travel to and fro?