I am actually kinda surprised that Firestone Walker hasn’t brand extended their Nitro line from Paso Robles to Venice by now. CD sounds like a good interplay between spice and creaminess.
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I am actually kinda surprised that Firestone Walker hasn’t brand extended their Nitro line from Paso Robles to Venice by now. CD sounds like a good interplay between spice and creaminess.
Time to play catch-up on releases from Firestone Walker…
Firestone Walker Propagator Citra – very light on the palate almost like a session IPA. Getting grapefruit first and foremost. Getting a bit of Meyer lemony notes as well. Hazy yellow in color. They certainly know how to keep it murky.
Double Mind Haze – another FW hazy appearing masterpiece. This is a rather odd beer to me. Has a cheek warming amount of alcohol and a bit of a bite to it. Texture is there but the flavor leads more to buttery or barely blood orange.
Wasn’t super jazzed about either to be honest but I would take the Citra if forced to choose.
Below is the first brewers line-up from the first of a limited series from Firestone Walker and The Brewing Network…..
Darn good start to talk beer with Evan from Green Cheek and Jeremy from Lagunitas. Add this podcast to your rotation and I bet you will learn about beer.
Off to Kentucky for the next cocktail inspired beer from Firestone Walker…
If the lime and ginger peek through substantially then this could have the making s of a really good beer version of the classic drink.
Angel City sent a nice care package with a nice variety of beers so let’s taste through this trio and see which is victorious….
Pinot Grisette pours a bright yellow color. Has that hybrid beer / wine flavor nailed down. I certainly get white grape flavor but not in that fakey candy way. The Belgian yeast is working hard here. Lots of esters on the nose and palate. This is a substantial beer for something so refreshing.
B.O.S.S. beer is a pretty orange color. A lot of ingredients listed on the can and the Saison part is a bit buried but I like the flavor profile overall. Citrus leads but there is a little spice and a rough edge to it.
Dollarydoo Aussie IPA has pine up front on the nose. This is kinda aggressive. No juicy notes that I can find. More old school hoppiness here. The hops stick to the palate. Some menthol notes for me. The label is very well done has a currency look to it.
Barrels aplenty today as I dive into the 25 year old DBA and then the brand new 2021 Double Barrel Parabola Imperial Stout from Firestone Walker.
Starting with the slightly smaller ABV’d DBA (Double Barrel Ale) which pours a lovely dark orange color. First flavor is minerality, a slight salt hit. There is a corresponding sweet aspect to the beer as well. A bit of apple and oak finish the profile.
10.5% higher is the Double Barrel Parabola Imperial Stout. A combo of bourbon and wheated whiskey barrels were used on this stout. It is super smooth and there is not much burn at all on this. It is a quick cheek warmer though. The dominant flavor is toasted coconut.
No, not a new superhero, but a new barrel blend from Firestone Walker…
Here is a little 411 on the beer, “Bourbon barrel-aged blended ale with vanilla, cocoa nibs and toasted coconut ending at 11.6% ABV.
So, another player is entering the beer club game….
Yup, Firestone Walker is going into their vault of goodies and as this video shows, the Brewmaster’s Reserve will be special. Before you get too giddy at the prospect of having all that beer and specialty glassware shipped to you (CA residents only), you are going to have to be fast on the ordering draw and have a spare $599 in your wallet. If you have that 5G internet and still have your government $600 then you might be in luck because you will have a fun year of beer.
Yes, Double Barrel Ale from Firestone Walker is 25 years young this year and to mark that occasion, the label gets a refresh…
…and might I suggest that you refresh your palate to this beer. It is a heritage beer and I mean that in not only a good but great way. These are the beers we drink at Super Bowl parties, the beer we know will be really good and that many will have fond memories of.