Mood Ring

Firestone Walker’s Barrelworks division has gotten in the mood with Sante Adairius Rustic Ales for “Big Mood”, “a new wild child crafted with Blenheim apricots and white wine grapes.

Here is more info on the collaboration

Jim “Crooks used the Sante Adairius yeast to ferment 2,000 pounds of Blenheim variety apricots sourced from Sante Adairius’ supplier in Hollister, California—enough to fill 50 oak barrels of beer, which underwent six months of aging. This apricot beer was then blended with a special selection of barrel-aged wine hybrid lots dating back to the 2017 vintage, all made with local Santa Barbara County white wine grapes.”


The Invitational may have been cancelled for 2020 but the other momentous landmark for Firestone Walker is in the works as the have started the competition for blending bragging rights. This is one of those releases where you buy two bottles and taste one now, make your notes. Then store the other away.


If we were to rank fruits best and often used in beers, apples probably would not make the cut. And certainly the aggressively tough Arkansas Black would be too hard to use in a beer. Well, two wild ale maestros disagree with me.

I would side with Jim and Chad and check out this new offering from Barrel Works.


You just might have a nautical themed summer with this new DIPA from the SoCal Firestone Walker. Look for it in their mixed packs, that is generally where you will find it or head to the Propagator.

Best Beers of June 2020

This month the Best of battle boiled down to two styles. IPA vs the barrel. Four beers were in contention and placing just out of medal Reach was Infinite Wishes from Smog City. This was a luxurious beer and the ABV was hidden behind that so well that the chocolate and bourbon had the forefront to themselves.

Bronze goes to Firestone Walker and their latest Luponic Distortion. #16. A swirling mix of peach and pear with just the right amount of balancing bitterness. The other IPA comes from Bearded Iris. I had never heard of them but Jimmy at the Glendale Tap pointed them out to me and Homestyle IPA was fantastic. Big aroma. Hops everywhere but no palate wrecker.

Which brings us to the winner….

Firestone Walker’s Cherry Barrel Blossom. This was such a layered beer. A touch of smoke here, Cherry note there, salt perking up the beer. Then the final barrel impact just made for a fantastic beer.

Gin Rickey

Three letters is all it took for me to want to drive to the Firestone Walker Propagator to pick up beer. G I N. I love beers that use gin barrels but they are hard to come by and temperamental as tequila barrels can be. But this latest cocktail beer sounds perfect for summer.

New Lu

The latest Luponic Distortion from Firestone Walker is a Pacific Northwest three hop, one New Zealand and two German endeavor the trio includes “two with a softer, juicier character, and one with a more edgy citrus quality.” The German side features hops “that are among (Brewmaster) Brynildson’s favorite discoveries from his forays to a variety of family hop farms in Hallertau”. The final hop is, ironically, a mixture of American and German heritage.

Combined they form dragonfruit, pear and peach.

#FWIBF Not Forgotten

Last Friday I just could not shake the feeling that something was off. It wasn’t anything to do with the my little cocoon or the batshit crazy and sad week this country went through.

It was the first time that I really felt the absence of the beer community.

I don’t normally gain energy from being around people. Harsh truth be told, I could live without 45% of this country who think (refuse to have thoughts) in a certain way. And yet, the crowds of people who make the trip to Paso Robles are both fun and fascinating.

The two or three days that I spend at Firestone Walker HQ is like floating on air. I take the tour most years to see how things have changed (always drastically), I find beer to bring back home from their shop, I visit a distillery or winery, enjoy BBQ the night before the fest, get some Negranti Ice Cream and Twisted and Glazed Donuts. My internal battery is charged.

The festival itself, as I have written in the past, is perversely hard to write about. It is so smoothly operated that the only lead some years is how hot it is. You basically just have to write about the beer that you personally drank because there is so much that it is hard to wrap your word arms around it.

I would write up excited posts before driving up the 5 and exhausted post some after driving back down the 101. I don’t know if 2021 will be changed or disrupted by the events of this year but next year, I will return. I need to.

That boost was really missed this year.

A Bit of a Turn

Firestone Walker can do a wide variety of beers but even with that skill, there are some flavors that I do not associate with them. Pils, sure. IPA for sure. Sours and Wild Ales for damn sure. Barrel-aged of course but chocolate cherry stout? No doubt they will pull it off but I like that they are doing something off their Central Coast path. And canning it too.

Breakfast Distortion

Firestone Walker is headed into serious breakfast fruits for the upcoming Luponic Distortion. Blueberry meet Pomelo grapefruit for the next 2020 IPA in the series. I am hoping that at one point they will variety pack a few years worth of the series to make comparisons. But I am excited to taste this one.