In the Tap Lines for October 2017

Yes, I did review a pumpkin beer in September but thankfully the too early onslaught did not materialize this year. Leaving me feeling more disposed to talk of them before Halloween.

~ e-visits to three breweries from Oakland in solidarity against Trump and Golden Road.
~ special featured reviews of pumpkin and seasonal beers.
~ Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads Safe by Ryan Gattis
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.

Here are two events to get your October started in the Los Angeles craft beer world:
1) October 6th – Barrel-Aged Beer Day – The Bruery
2) October 7th – Oktoberfest at Enegren Brewing

In the Tap Lines for November 2016

We now begin the holiday season. Of course, we still have to get past the election but then we can be merry with holiday ales and big beers by the fireside. So be thankful for our bounty of beer.

~ e-visits to three breweries from the Southern Oregon coast – Defeat River in Reedsport then to Devils Brewing in Coos Bay and finally Chetco Brewing in Brookings.
~ special featured reviews of beers that can pair well with Thanksgiving meals.
~ Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ A Book & A Beer reads Inside the Apple
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world.

Here are two events to get your November started in the Los Angeles craft beer world:
1) November 16th – Bruery Share This Dinner at Sausal in El Segundo
2) November 20th – Lutefisk & Lefse Dinner at Brouwerij West

In the Tap Lines for June 2015

header_attractionsThis is L.A. Beer Week month. From the 20th to the 28th, the City of Angels becomes a beer destination for all comers starting with a blowout local brewery bash at Exposition Park near USC.  Plus…..

~ e-visits to three breweries who were at the recent Firestone Walker Invitational
~ special reviews of beers from new to L.A. 21st Amendment
~ Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ Beer-centric podcast review, goes scientific with Beervana
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world
~ … and Session # 100 will converge bloggers onto a single topic, this month it is Resurrecting Lost Beer Styles

Here are two events to get your June started in the Los Angeles craft beer world:
1) June 1st – Burger Week at both of the Oinkster locations with Red Tick Ale from Highland Park Brewery
2) June (anytime) – Check out the new DTLA gastropub and homebrewer space of BarrelDown.

In the Tap Lines for October 2014

header_attractionsOktober is a busy beer month nationally and internationally and though you will not see me in Denver for the Great American Beer Festival or in Munich for their small festival, I will still be on the lookout for great events in L.A. and beyond as well as reviewing the crop of autumn beers.  Plus I have updated the beer book tab & the L.A. Beer resource tab with expanded information.

~ e-visits to three breweries from GABF home, Denver starting with Former Future Brewing, TRVE and Our Mutual Friend
~ video reviews from two pumpkin beers.  Now that it is Oktober, I can officially drink them.
~ two more beers will come up from the BSP cellar to be reviewed.
~ Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month. One light, one medium and one dark
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world
~ … and Session # 92 will converge bloggers onto a single topic, Home Brewing

Here are two events to get your October started in the Los Angeles craft beer world:
1) October 2nd – Game of Thrones Valar Morghulis release at Plan Check
2) October 18th – Opening Day for Three Weavers Brewing


In the Tap Lines for July 2013


And the Search Party is back from sabbatical or hiatus or whatever you call it when someone leaves the room while the party is still going on.  Now I am refreshed and ready to tackle a full month of beer in Los Angeles. I will also have extra beer reviews of three beers from Monday Night Brewing in Atlanta, Georgia.  Starting with their Ginger Wit by the name of Fu Man Brew.

~ e-visits to three breweries from America’s Heartland in honor of the 4th of July
~ video reviews tackles a “should have been June” review beer from Mother Earth plus more beer reviews minus the videos
~ Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world
~ … and Session # 77 will converge bloggers onto a single topic, this month the IPA Boom
~ plus many more posts about new beers, beer products and breweries

Here are two events to get your July started in the Los Angeles craft beer world:
1) July 6-14 Lucky Baldwin’s (all 3 locations) Sweet & Sour Fest
2) July 13 Dry River Brewing at the NELA Art Gallery – Highland Park

In the Tap Lines for June 2013


June in Los Angeles is usually the calm before the heat storm that sits upon the valley’s through October. So now is the perfect time to find a summer beer and I can think of one event that might help with that as Beer Belly and BSP team up to showcase the light and crafty beers that will get us through those triple digit days

~ e-visits to three breweries Micro-Maltsters
~ video reviews tackles two IPA’s from San Diego’s Mother Earth plus more beer reviews minus the videos
~ Heads-Up on Los Angeles Beer Events
~ Three suggested beers to buy this month
~ I will tap the Firkin and give my no holds barred opinion on the craft beer world
~ … and Session # 76 will converge bloggers onto a single topic
~ plus many more posts about new beers, beer products and breweries

Here are two events to get your June started in the Los Angeles craft beer world:
1) June 1st Firestone-Walker Invitational
2) June 9th Beer Belly + Beer Search Party event.

another beer blog to read

I heard about Pints and Panels at the Beer Bloggers Conference in August and knew that I would have to feature them in my monthly beer blog pick.

It is one of the best review sites not only because of the comic format but the reviews are quick and to the point and with each one you get to know what M. likes and why.

I also love this quote on her about page “Beer is like music — it is infinite. That’s what I like about this gig — it’s never done.”

August’s other Beer Blog

You may have noticed that my video beer reviews are few and far between. Usually topping out at four a month. And you don’t see me in any of them. That is because I am not a big fan of the “white guy in front of a camera with a beer” video.

But, I recently stumbled upon Beer Geek Nation on iTunes and I was impressed. Chris has a great personality and his videos follow three rules that I think are essential to creating a good video.

1. Interesting beers. He is reviewing a wide swath of beers from across the country. He must have some serious beer hook-ups. Six-Point in New York to 21st Amendment in San Francisco and judging by the bottles in the background of some shots there are some excellent beers in the wings.

2. The videos are short. All in the five minute range. You can watch a couple at a time without looking at the watch because the pacing is done well too.

3. He breaks it up with graphics. This is something on my to-do list as well. It really helps fighting that static one shot that can lull viewers to sleep.

So check out his reviews. I think you will learn something